Take a peak at some of the things that I have added to my blog today. I’ve added a sun clock, a cat that follows your mouse, and a blidget of my blog in the side bar. These are all from WidgetBox.com.
If you have not visited this site, I have to tell you that you really must. It is so very cool and so very easy to add things to your blog. If you are using Blogger Blogspot then you can add the items to your layout very easily. If you are FTP blogging like my other blog Web-World Watch, then you can add them to posts as you can not add them to the side bar or page template.
You can even make a blidget, see my side bar, with your own blog. Oh I also forgot another thing. Take a look at the feed slide show that I did. You can add three feeds and then have them show the posts in random rotation.
WidgetBox is a very cool site. I do not know how they do what they do, but I will certainly be looking closer. :0)