If you have received the Google notice that your website is not mobile friendly and yet you do not have the budget right now to rebuild your website AND you don’t want to have your traffic lowered because of the issue, what can you do?
There are a few services available that will scan your existing site and allow you to drag and drop files in their editor to make a responsive website. Even web hosts have gotten into the action with website templates that are integrated into their hosting platforms.
Although these simplified templates do not allow for a rich, interactive, and custom site, they are good alternatives that are relatively easy albeit fairly time consuming to work with.
Some sites that you may want to check out if you are a do it yourselfer are:
DudaMobile – has mobile friendly as well as responsive designs
WIX – just be careful of the design as not all are really responsive
Shopify has some nice designs to consider
Webflow is even a consideration.
Of course if you want greater control over your design and content, or simply do not have enough time to do this yourself, we have a very nice turnkey program for responsive websites for you to check out and try out online.