If you have 500 or more followers on Facebook, you should be checking your business page once a day for personal messages (PM).
Facebook use is growing and more users are never leaving Facebook; instead using Facebook Messenger or PM’ing a business instead of visiting their website.
As professional Facebook account managers for a number of businesses, we see the type of traffic that comes in on the Facebook control panel. What is surprising is the number of people who will ask a question, ask for a price, request that you call them, or PM them back with more information.
If you never look at your Facebook business page, you’ll be missing all of these potential customer interactions. In fact if you just have a writing service and don’t look or pay your service to look at least once a week, potential customers may simply feel that you are not interested in their business.
The more followers you have and the more active your page is the more frequently you need to be watching Facebook for online messages.
Facebook has some nice message automation tools, but they only work if you enable them and use them. For every account we monitor, we enable an auto responder that includes our clients’ phone number and email address. For many clients we will monitor their message traffic at least once a week and some nearly every day.
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by wanting to grow your business and then never checking Facebook – it’s where your prospects and customers are hanging out connecting with friends and family every day. They think that you as a business are there, where they are. Don’t let them find out that you’re not.
Need help with Facebook? Find out about our Facebook writing and management services.