Why is social media writing so expensive? First, ask yourself why you don’t want to do the writing yourself? Although you may be able to churn out a tweet or Facebook post for your own business in nothing flat, when you are hired to provideĀ professional-level writing for paying customers, everything is different.
For us, we still have to touch, even a small 140 character tweet, 8 times as part of our quality control and writing process. That makes Twitter writing relatively expensive for most customers, but perfect for the busy professional or business who really needs great content and excellent quality control.
For longer status updates like those we write for LinkedIn, Google+, and Facebook, the costs are practical as there is a longer word count.
It is hard to always have something great to say and a cohesive strategy when you do social media writing yourself. Plus, it is simply a fact that when you get busy, social media is the very first thing to be dropped by most busy professionals. Yet, social media is one of a businesses most visible outreaches to prospects and a way to share links and build traffic to website content.
Don’t drop social media, instead consider hiring a professional team to take over. If you are looking for a quality provider for your social media projects, I invite you to visit our information pages.