New Certifications for Our Team in Digital Advertising

We are proud to announce that our team has worked hard to receive new Microsoft Advertising credentials- the Microsoft Certified Advertising Expert, the Commerce Certification, and the Retail Media Certification.

You can visit our certification page on our website to view all of the professional certification badges we carry in addition to these newly received credentials.

By studying to receive the Retail Media Certification, we qualified for the new Microsoft Advertising Commerce Certification. This two exam certification is new with Microsoft this year.

The Retail Media Certification is based on the new Microsoft Advertising platform called PromoteIQ. This very innovative approach to brand and consumer advertising is unusual and has tremendous possibilities for brands to advertise on third party sites and leverage additional sales using sponsored banner ads and product listing ads on-site and off-site.

You can learn more about PromoteIQ by visiting the Microsoft Help Desk page on this new innovative product.