Well, the research is in, our analysis complete, and our white paper on “The Tangible Benefits of Blogging” is nearly ready to publish. We have done a very unique case study on two sites with the identical content and everything, one blogs and one does not. The site that blogs beats the site that does not blog in the SERPs (organic results) hands down.
Now we’re ready to do more research on this point to be able to definitively state that blogging helps your organic search engine placement, but for now, in one unique case study, it is clearly pointing in this direction. We have much more research on our other topics to prove traffic benefits, stickiness, and several other key points that website owners are interested in, but the topic of blogs and organic placement is a important one. Although it is important it is very difficult to prove. Which makes the case study that we do so important and interesting.
We will be publishing our white paper in our monthly e-newsletter, so you will want to click our blog post title and subscribe now so you’ll get first notice of our release.