Site Suspension! If you are an AdWords advertiser, know that Google is watching you – very carefully. What you state in your content and the images you show are all reviewed by the Googlebot and flagged for review if you are in the medical, plastic surgery, and dermatology fields of business.
Coolsculpting and Dermatology Advertisers Be Aware
Case in point, if you are promoting Coolsculpting and you state on your website that this treatment provides permanent fat loss, Google will be coming for you – soon. I’ve now crossed paths now with four doctors in different areas of the US that have all received site suspensions in AdWords.
A site suspension simply means that Google will not allow you to promote your business in AdWords, at all! They simply shut down your account. Only the account owner will receive an email about the issue and Google will point to its terms of service and rules. Account Managers will see next to the accounts ads a speech bubble which will state Site Suspension.
What Would Be Noted in a Site Suspension?
I recently saw a site suspension in AdWords for a Dermatologist and Vascular doctor with this information:
Site Suspension due to:
- Restricted Medical Content
- Restricted Drug Terms
- Misleading or unrealistic promotions
I’ve seen several doctors remediate their site, get up and running, and then get a second site suspension. As sometimes the issues take a while to correct and there are numerous communications with the Google team before the site can even be submitted for a higher level review (which is not immediate), I recommend moving your program to Bing Ads while Google is futzing around with your site review to remove the suspension.
Your entire program from AdWords can be picked up and moved to Bing Ads relatively quickly. At least this way you will continue to have a flow of leads while Google does your review and lets you know things that need to be further changed in each communique.
A site suspension is serious business. In two cases it took 6 and up to 8 weeks to remediate the problems. That’s nearly 2 months off of AdWords with no leads coming in. In all cases to remediate the problem, all content had to be updated and images updated. Wording like permanent, immediate, fat loss had to be softened to reduction, over time, and fat reduction.
If you need help resolving a site suspension or moving to Bing Ads while your staff is working to remediate an AdWords site suspension, call us today to get fast help and get rolling on Bing Ads.