Our Internet marketing services using AdWords may find out that AdWords may not be a match for your business. Most businesses can benefit from the exposure that AdWords can generate. AdWords can bring in leads and new clients that other sources cannot deliver due to Google’s massive reach.
But, AdWords is not for every business. As an experienced AdWords account manager, I have seen just a few businesses that have simply not been a good match for Google AdWords.
Too Niche Specific
If your business is very, very niche specific, AdWords keywords that are two to three words long may not generate measureable click and impression traffic. Using broad match keywords for accounts such as these will generate click traffic on search terms that are too general and not a good match for what the client provides. Using terms that are four and five words long will not generate activity as AdWords will simply choose not to show ads for these long tail keywords with the advent of mobile.
No Clear Business Focus
The other type of business that struggles on AdWords is one where the focus is not clear. Who is your customer? Who are you trying to sell to? If you don’t even know yourself, AdWords will have a very hard time delivering targeted traffic that matches your needs.
Too Similar to Other Sites Selling the Same Thing
If you are selling products online and your site is just like hundreds of others selling the same products, using the same content that other sites use from the same manufacturer, AdWords will have a hard time serving your program. Unless you build unique content and have a hook that makes you different from the rest, Google perceives your site as not relevant to a user’s search query. Your Quality Score will drop and Google will start to mark keywords – shown rarely due to Quality Score.
There are not too many businesses where AdWords is not a good match to use, but these are a few that I have personally run across.