What to Know About Google Indexing and Ranking

Nancy McCord and Bandit

I recently ready a very interesting article and wanted to share some of the important nuggets with you in Google indexing in this January 1, 2021 post.

First, Happy New Year! 2021 simply has to be better than 2020.

Second, there are the nuggets that I find of particular interest for our clients from this article.

• Google has now verified that it can take two months or more to impact search results when you make a change to your website.

• Google does validate that when you regularly add new content to your website, that the Google Bot spider will focus on the new content and not the old content for its time to index your website.

• If you have poor quality sections on your website, these poor sections can drag down the rating/ranking of your entire website.

• Rankings are determined not by page, but by weighing the entire website.

• However, now the Google team has stated that regularly updated new sections of your website that are of good quality may keep the poor sections of your site from making a strong impact that drags down your website in the rankings. Hmm, kind of conflicting from what has previously said and Google couches this with “it depends on your website.” So, not a conclusive nugget.

• What I find of particular importance in all this is that ranking and changes to your site have far reaching long term impacts that in some cases not seen even in two months from the changes. Keepng your content fresh is crucial to attracting and keeping the attention of the Google Bot spider.

If you are mystified by this, it may be time to visit our website to check our services. When you need a team that is trustworthy on your side to help you understand and then act to improve your website visibility, McCord Web Services is your top choice.

12-14-20 The Google Week in Review

Mobile is now more than a part of the funnel.

There have been a number of interesting developments in the world of Google this week – from updates to lawsuits. Read my comments below to stay up-to-date.

Mobile is No Longer Just Part of the Purchase Path

Now, mobile activity actually is a place where users will buy, no longer just a step to a purchase on desktop. With the advent of increase security and better website solutions that allow for purchases right from a phone, mobile is no longer considered top of funnel only. Read more…

LinkedIn is Testing Ads in the Data Feed

Everyone has to get into the act now with ads. LinkedIn just announced that it is beta testing digital ads in Stories. “We are currently testing Stories Ads with a beta group of advertisers, with plans to launch more broadly in 2021” Read more…

Google is Potentially Tied to Collusion with Facebook

Announced just this morning in the Wall Street Journal, Google has now been tied to a possible collusion with Facebook in the delivery of digital advertising. This is a still evolving story, but one that will surely impact current pending litigation against Google and Facebook in the months to come.

Google Provides Site Guidance from December Rollout

This interesting article works to address the December rollout of an algorithm update for website owners. The tips offer advice on how to update your website to improve your ranking with the current update and pending future updates to the Google Search algorithm. Read more…

Google Maps is Now Showing Web Listings

Google continues to tweak search format and now has started to tinker with the Google Maps format. In some of the screenshots you can now see website listings as organic results. These results are location specific for relevancy. Location related keywords in your website are now more important than ever.  Read more…

12-7-20 The Google and SEO Week in Review

Monitor Your Page Speed

There have been a few important things that have happened this week in the world of Google. Here are a few snippets from interesting articles I have read this week.

Google Expands the Use of Form Extensions in Google Ads

Form extensions are not new in Google Ads, but now Google is expanding their use to share them over differing types of campaigns. Read more…

Yes, the December 2020 Core Update Was Important

We are finding that the core update Google rolled out last week has had a big impact on the search results. Why Google would do an update before the holidays is too strange to understand. Read more…

May 2021 is the Date for the Big Google Page Experience Update.

Google already telling webmasters that the pending algorithm update for the mobile index scheduled for May 2021 will be big. Anytime Google gives this much notice, it means that the update will be “life changing”. In this case the update is all about mobile and uses the Google Search Console Core Web Vitals for the rankings. Of most important note is the speed of your mobile version site. Read more…

12-4-20 The Google and Google Ads Week in Review

McCord Web Services is a Google Partner and a Certified Google Ads Professional

There were just a few memorable announcements or developments this week. Below of the ones that I consider of merit for your attention.

Surprise! Google is Rolling Out a Web Core Update in December

This is the third core update rolled out this year by Google. What is of note is that these Core updates are used in the organic search placement formula that Google uses to rank websites.  Google is calling it a “broad Core Update”. Not necessarily good news just before the holidays. More info…

Google My Business Releases a New Dashboard

For do-it-yourselfers, Google My Business may be one of your most important tools to use. Google has announced that they have just released an update to the Dashboard to provide more helpful information about how people interact with your information. More info…

Google Think on Pivot and Pivot Again

Google Think has an interesting article on marketing plans in this age of Covid and suggestions to help market your business during the pandemic. It is all about pivoting to what your prospect consider valuable from you and staying relevant to their needs. More info…

Get More Insights in Google Ads with This New Feature

Google ads just added an Insight button to the left sidebar navigation in Google Ads. Clicking this brand new button let’s you see tailor-made insights for your business and may be of value to identify important trends in your marketplace. It is all about trends, so you can stay on top of what consumers are searching for and reacting with to help you stay relevant.  More info…