Smart Shopping Campaigns in Google Ads are like regular Shopping Campaigns but with a twist.
- Uses Google Ads advanced AI tools to target and bid.
- Increases conversions.
- Is totally automated.
- Shows ads on more properties.
- Optimizes for performance.
I have tried regular Shopping Campaigns against Smart Shopping Campaigns and here are the results for real clients.
RV industry accessory sales – 56% decrease in cost per click.
Industrial equipment – 34% decrease in cost per conversion.
I have found that it will typically take about 30 days to have enough data to weigh is Smart Shopping Campaigns are right for you, but so far I am seeing an increase in conversions at a lower overall cost.
Smart Shopping Campaigns will show your shopping ads on YouTube, Gmail, and in the Google Search results and on Search Partners. Your reach is expanded and your ads are dynamically created and more attractive.