For small business owners getting traffic to their website is how you get the phone to ring and boost sales, but how can you do just that?
From my experience, although I love blogging for SEO and to create website stickiness, I don’t typically find that blogging gets people to call you to buy your services. I do however find that for small to medium sized businesses that AdWords is excellent for getting the phone to ring.
I like the professional version of AdWords better than AdWords Express due to the degree of control and robust tools to diagnose account problems. I highly encourage you to work with an experienced AdWords account manager as they are not all equal in skill or competency in helping new and small businesses get the most from AdWords.
To help business owners understand how AdWords activity translates I always try to assist them with conversion tracking implementation and website phone call tracking. With statistical data that AdWords has generated phone calls and email leads, a business owner can evaluate the success of an AdWords marketing program and allot more funding to boost results even further.
If you are looking for an experienced and savvy account manager, I invite you to review the reviews of our service on our website. I’d be glad to chat with your personally about your business needs.