Got less than $500 a month to spend on AdWords clicks? Want to promote your business on AdWords but don’t want to pay an account manager? Don’t want to use AdWords Express as it has not worked for you?
You can still use the professional grade AdWords program even with a low ad spend budget. Here’s how:
• Set up Remarketing Ads. Once you set up your AdWords account, go to the Shared Library in the left navigation flyout and set up your first audience. Grab the code and install it on all pages of your website. When your lists gets up to 100 cookie sets you can show ads. Then set up a campaign and ad group in your account to target remarketing in the Display network. People do not even need to have clicked an AdWords ad to see your remarketing ads as they surf around the web.
• Set up Dynamic Search Ads. This is another low cost great way to get coverage for your services without setting up keyword lists. Just set up a Dynamic Search Ad campaign, tell Google AdWords your domain name, and set up a dynamic search ad. Google does all the work. It knows what your pages are and services from indexing your website for Google.com organic searches. AdWords will then use this power to serve ads based on what you offer and have on your website, dynamically creating an ad title and linking the ad and person who clicks your ad to the exact right page on your website.
• Consider showing your ads only in the Display Network. For pennies a click you can get wide exposure on quality websites. Just take a little bit of time to opt out of mobile games and mobile apps or you will bleed cash into mobile and not see any tablet or desktop activity.
There are lots of other great ways you can get exposure and keep your AdWords budget low.
Consider call only campaigns, scheduling your ads only in the evening when others have run out of budget, running ads only at certain times during the day, and limiting your geographic area.
If you need professional, experienced AdWords account management, check out our service offerings at www.McCordWeb.com.