In my industry – professional pay per click account management the typical way to charge clients is 10% of their scheduled 30 day ad spend in the Google Ads control panel.
If a client has a setting of $150 a day for clicks, this translates into a 30 day budget of $4,500 to be paid to Google for clicks.
The typical account manager will bill $450 for the month for their management fee.
We operate differently – we bill by the running ad group number or ad spend and bill based on a service grid we post on our website. Our fee for this same client would be not $450 but rather $260 for 2.8 hours of service. That is more than a 42% lower fee than what is charged by the typical agency or manager.
We have priced our services to be small to medium sized business-friendly and know that your investment in our services will be repaid by increased leads and phone calls.
In our case, a lower price does not mean less quality or less skill – it is just our way of billing and doing account architecture that works for us and helps clients to have professional service without significantly adding to their overhead.
You can view all our pricing online at http://www.mccordweb.com/search-engine-marketing/google-ads-quick-start.php