Don’t like to write your own blogs, but don’t want to pay a lot for your content either? Are freelance posting sites too hard to manage? Do you simply need better quality and a real person to talk to for a strategy?
Welcome to McCord Web Services! We have a blog writing program that allows you to build a project your way.
1. Select from four different word count ranges.
2. Choose your weekly frequency. There is no price penalty if you only want one post a week. Ask us if you need a lesser frequency.
3. Decide if you want the blog post installed for you in WordPress for $5 a post or you want to save money and get the posts for your own use as a Word document.
4. Do you want to save money and add your own blog post image? Go ahead. Or if you want turnkey service for $7 we’ll buy a one-time use image from iStockPhoto or DepositPhoto and install it for you.
You build your own program based on your needs and your budget. Find out more about this business-friendly blog writing program and read content samples today.
What’s with WordPress lately? My firm manages a number of client blogs and writes for many more, in the last month I have found a number of blogsites that are undergoing repeated entry attempts by robots. Fortunately for our client sites, we lock them out the bad guys and monitor WordPress files using three great apps.
Login Lockdown
I like this very simple login app. You can set lockout time frames and you are not pestered with repeated messages.
WordPress File Monitor
I like this plug-in as well as it does not inundate you with messages, but let’s you know when files have changed at WordPress by email. For many client sites, we are monitoring the logins and access. It helps to keep the blog secure and hack-free.
Sucuri Monitoring
After you’ve been hacked once you’ll want to make sure that you are using this plugin that has many more features and will let you know each and every single action on WordPress. Clients quickly feel overwhelmed with the message traffic, but sometimes you’ll want to know each and every login attempt to see a pattern and to see if the hackers are getting close to figuring out your user name. Although you can lower the number of messages, for sites that are undergoing aggressive entry tactics, I recommend watching everything. Remediation can be costly so it helps to know what is happening to jump in and do updates immediately if needed.
I’ve personally found that if you have used admin as a user name and then a simple password, you may already have been hacked and should login to see what is going on as well as take moment to create a secure letter and number, plus character password for WordPress.
There are some bad guys out there testing many WordPress sites or blogs, looking to see who has not properly secured their site to break in and then use the site to spew out spammy links.
If you are tired of watching your own site, we do offer monthly blogmaster services and monitoring if you need it for $30 a month. Find out more about our blogmaster and webmaster services.
It is a mistake to feel that blogging is dead. Hands down one of the very best things you can do for your business website is to have a blog that is updated regularly.
Here’s an interesting situation that illustrates how blogging benefits you. I had a client who said she was stopping blogging as she simply did not see the value. We went to together as part of our conversation to review her placement on the search engines and there on the page for her top keywords several of her blog posts appeared. After seeing that her blog was an entry point into her website, she decided that maybe she had misjudged the part that blogging played in her overall marketing strategy and decided to increase her blogging frequency.
When done properly blogging provides not only value for site visitors, it can become an entry point into your website and may even funnel traffic into your services pages. But, blogging needs to be engaging, interesting, and on-topic.
If you are looking for a service firm to write quality content for your own blog, I invite you to visit our blogging services page to review pricing and writing samples.
You may need help from professionals to remediate a hack attack.
It’s the worst case scenario, you get a note from Google saying it looks like you’ve been hacked. Your website now has a tag on Google that says “this site has been hacked”, your traffic has plummeted and sales are way off. Why you!
Not all hacking is about stealing credit card information. Sometimes a hack is about stealing your traffic and your SEO juice. Only sites that are well-placed and popular are targeted for this type of hack. The hackers know that you are doing something right and have Google’s attention and they want a piece of that action for their own benefit.
What hackers will typically do in this case is to sneak in via WordPress and then move directly into your website, installing snippets of code that create folders on your server and a brand new XML site map full of spammy links pointing to websites that they are wanting to improve the placement on with Google.
Try to just delete the folder and you’re fine, think again. These scripts are propagating. Delete a folder and it will be back tomorrow in a new location with a new name. Plus the hackers will be logging in to add more junk and update their benefiting site list. It is all done to bleed off your traffic and steal the SEO juice you have.
The only way to solve this type of problem is by brute force. You’ll need to take everything down, wipe it clean and then reload only clean files plus a full new fresh update of all WordPress files. You may even have to clean your WordPress database and manually review each and every website page you put back.
When you do, make sure you are hardening your security, updating passwords and deleting files you don’t need where code may be hiding. These are smart, tricky, and unscrupulous people. They are not targeting you but for any other reason that your website is well-placed and popular.