SEO – Is It Worth the Trouble?

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McCord Web Services is one of the few Google Partners in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area.

Is SEO or search engine optimization worth the time and trouble today? With Google seemingly to be changing all the rules and more competitors moving into your own marketing landscape, it may seem like a losing proposition, but… there are smart things you can do that DO payoff for placement.

What are the smart things that any small to medium sized business can do to improve organic search placement?

  1. Make sure you have unique content and work hard to make your website experience different from others in your vertical (business classification).
  2. Make sure you are blogging regularly – at least once a week. If you are not a good writer, invest in finding a firm that you can trust that will create great linkable and sharable content.
  3. Make sure you have unique Meta Title and Meta Description tags for all pages in your website.
  4. Claim and authenticate your website in the Google and Bing Search Consoles. You’ll get information that will help you do a better job and understand what Google and Bing think about your site so you can improve.
  5. Implement Google Analytics. You cannot improve your own website if you do not know how visitors are using it. Got a low bounce rate? Pat yourself on the back and find out what people seem to like about the page with in-page analytics. Don’t have many visitors? Get the truth and then drive traffic there with Google AdWords.
  6. Get a full SEO evaluation and roadmap on where you are and how to get to the next level personalized based on your own statistical information.

You can still succeed and garner search engine placement with optimization, but be smart and savvy about the tactics that are used. Don’t buy into link building, link farms, and guest blogging on off-topic sites. Think mainstream, great content, and excellent user experience.

I Never Want to Move Again!

Nancy McCord
Nancy McCord – has moved, feel her pain!

This past month my life has been in a state of chaos as my family and I have moved out of our home in Maryland where we have lived 15 years.  We moved a significant amount of furniture and property on our own using UHaul and then had a moving and storage company move the rest.

My husband and I sent three kids off to out of state colleges and we moved into a two bedroom apartment from a 4,500 square foot house. Plus, I have dissolved my long held Maryland business to reorganize under the same name in Virginia. Could one person take on more than that?

But no, there is more… my husband and I are building a custom home in the Fredericksburg area and will move again at the end of November or December.

There’s been all this, on top of a very busy work month with more new customers coming onboard for AdWords services. It has been a fine balance and a crushing workload. I am looking forward to simply just “living” and working normal hours.

After all this, I have decided I am never moving again.

My Move and MyCorporation

I will not be posting to my blog this week as I am doing my final move to Virginia. Who knew that moving could be so laborious and complicated.

Not only am I moving my residence, my office, but I am reorganizing my business into a Virginia entity all at the same time.

I have to say that I think I would be having a stroke if it were not for the kind and competent people at who are doing my Maryland dissolution and Virginia reorganization. They are handling all the details and paperwork as well as setting up my new federal EIN.

I used them before when I set up my Maryland corporation in 2008. If you are not a lawyer and do not know where to turn for help in setting up or even deciding what to do, is a great place to start.

I will not be set up in my new office until Friday August 28th, so there will be no additional blog posts this week. See you next week!

How to Solve an Email Spam Problem on Your Android Phone

A Bright Idea that Tames Smartphone Email Spam
A Bright Idea that Tames Smartphone Email Spam

I have many email accounts for my business and each one has a certain use. One is tied to client blogs, one is tied to my AdWords pro center and all my AdWords clients, one is purely for personal use, and others are for certain business sectors. So when I access email on my smartphone I have had a serious email spam problem.

At first, I tried a subscription to SpamDrain. But, I found that my personal email could never be viewed on my smartphone for some weird connection issue. I could see an email for 2 seconds and it would disappear. Also sometimes emails that were really important were caught in the SpamDrain filter and I had to go daily to look to be sure I had gotten my mail; very annoying and problematic to say the least. I just felt that there had to be a better way to control the spam on my phone and be able to have full access to my email.

I have found a solution that is free that is now working for me and may be the solution for you – the unified inbox!

What I did to solve my problem, was to set up a free email address and then link all my email addresses to that one account. I even forwarded my GMail account there after a filter to block out the Google+ communication “spam”. Now, even for POP3 accounts, I can press and hold an email and add the address or domain to my phone’s own spam filter controlling what I see the next time around.

I have to say I have gone from unmanageable levels of email down to reasonable and emails that I want to see. This one little change has tamed my own smartphone email issue. I know that Microsoft has purchased Accompli, which I have tried before and liked, which is very similar to Inbox for GMail. So I look for even more productivity from my unified inbox in the very near future.