Blogmaster Services and Regular WordPress Security Audits

We want to help keep your blog safe from hackers and spammers. With our blogmaster  and security audit service, we keep your blog updated and monitor your core  WordPress files for unauthorized changes. Although this may not prevent your  blog from being hacked, it will allow for quick attention if a problem is found.  (Please note: repair of files or cleaning of WordPress is billed as an additional  hourly charge if an infection  is found.)

With our Blogmaster Service, you decide the frequency: once a week, twice  a month, or once a month.

These are the actions we perform on your blog:

  • Approve or delete any comments.
  • Discard    spam.
  • Update any plug-ins
  • Upgrade your WordPress application (if you are using    one-click updates).
  • Do a MySQL back up.
  • Perform an XML blog post export.
  • Run our security scans.
  • Monitor your WordPress core files for unauthorized changes.

Our Blogmaster Pricing

Initial installation of security plug-ins – $50.00
Blogmaster review once a    week – $15.00
Blogmaster review twice a month – $30.00
Blogmaster review once a month – $20.00

Please note for blogs with many comments to approve your pricing may be    higher.

Introducing Expert Blogging

Blogging is a core business for my firm. In fact we have some bloggers who have been writing for our clients now since 2006. That’s five years of blogging. But we’ve actually been providing this service since late 2004. From professional blogging experience we have several writers who have really developed a level of expertise both in style and in content.

Just this past week we introduced a new program called Expert Blogging. We have three special writers who provide services at this new level.

Diamond Level by Sue – $50 per post
Diamond Level blog posts are written exclusively by our most experienced blogger,  Sue Guirl, a graduate from the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism.  As a professional journalist, Sue has a unique style of writing that is both  informative and engaging. She knows how to craft a blog post, turn a phrase,  and paint a picture with her words that provides for an exceptionally fine  level of writing. With many of our client’s asking for her by name, Sue  is our most popular writer. Due to the mastery of her craft, Sue writes exclusively  at the Diamond Level for blogging. She also writes website content and feature articles for web and print publications. Find out more information and read samples.

SEO Blogging by Brian – $40 per      post
SEO blogging is done exclusively by Brian Jenkins, a graduate from the University  of California with a degree in economics and experienced writing professional.  Brian has written extensively over the last three years for a notable SEO expert  creating optimized guest blog posts. He brings to our firm an understanding  of keyword density and how to write and optimize blog posts for SEO purposes.  Brian has a wonderful informative blog writing style and strives for a keyword  density on your selected phrase of between 3-5% in each post.  In addition to blogs, Brian also writes SEO focused press releases. Find out more information.

Bed Bug & Pest Control Blogging      by Rhonda – $40 per post Bed bug and pest control blogging is done exclusively by Rhonda Crehan, a seasoned  pest control writing expert. Rhonda has over four years of writing experience  in the pest control industry. She has strong pest control experience writing  and has over two years of specialized in writing about bed bug control, prevention,  identification, bed bug dogs, and pending bed bug legislation. She is extremely  interested and knowledgeable about the pest control industry and this interest  and passion shows in her well written blog posts for clients. Review a selection of her blog posts recently written for clients.  Find out more information and read samples.

Please contact us to find out more about this exciting new program that showcases our expert topical and style bloggers. When you are looking for the best or extraordinary blogging we have the writers for your special needs.

Using QR Codes

Now that you know a little bit more about QR Codes or Quick Response Codes how can you use them? Wow, that is the exciting part and some of it is based only on your imagination. Here are a few of my suggestions.

Add a QR Code to Your Print Brochures
Add a QR Code to your print brochure, you can send your user to your home page or better yet send them to a custom created landing page that has a special offer to allow you to actually measure the results of your exposure from a trade show, speaking engagement, direct mailing.

Offer Special Coupon Codes and Promotions
Want to track mobile Web users? As most desktop users are not using QR Code scanners, you can encode special offers as a text snippet and even embed a special coupon code in a QR Code that can then be used immediately by smartphone users.

Encourage Google HotPot, FourSquare, and Google Places Reviews
By embedding your QR Code on your menu or guest check, restaurants can encourage visitors to interact immediately with location specific places to share their favorite spots with others and encourage visitors to even leave service reviews.

Print a QR Code on the back of your business card
With the ability to embed a vCard in your QR Code, you can make it easy for smartphone users to add your contact information to their phone and if they are syncing to Outlook will appear there too.

How do you think you will use a QR Code? Just click comments and let me know your suggestion too.

Free QR Code Generators

You don’t need to have a smartphone to create a QR Code for your print or website use. You can use one of these free online resources.

This free generator will create a QR Code using their URL to host the QR Code image for a phone number, a text snippet, an SMS text message, or a URL. Once the smartphone has read the QR Code the application will allow the user to save it, put it into contacts, email it or text message it, depending on the type of QR Code you have generated.

Kerem Erkan
This QR Code Generator is more advanced allowing more options. With 21 options to select from you can create a QR Code that will send a meCard, bookmark a website, tweet on Twitter, do an Android Marketplace app search, create a vCalendar event, and create a FourSquare new vendor URL. The list is extensive and you may want to make several variations. This QR Code generator will even allow you to choose the colors for your graphic. It also allows you to save the image in a variety of formats so you can host it on your own website.

Personally I like the options available with the second choice as well as the option to host the image generated on my own site so that I am not at the mercy of someone else if their site goes down.

So what can you do with a QR Code?
Actually that will be our Friday blog post so make sure to check back. We’re going to write about how you might use a QR Code and why you should consider implementing them on your website and printed materials.

For more great information about QR Codes, how to use them, how they got started we recommend that you visit this excellent article at the Social Media Examiner.