It is illegal to create fake reviews for your business online according to the FTC guidelines released in November 2009, but it is happening big time on Google Hotpot and Google Places. Don’t be caught by being ignorant of the tactics that scummy firms are using that may get you in trouble.
Here are just three “fake” reviews that I found on one Google Places page. Boy do they look contrived and created by an SEO firm for placement due to the use of keywords, repetition, and bolding.
[Name removed] knows all the tricks I was side swiped by a car in [bolded City Removed] and I did not have health insurance at the time. I called [Name removed] and he told me that my medical bills would be paid by my own car insurance policy. I was shocked to hear that my own auto insurance pays my medical bills, even when I was not driving and my car was not involved in the accident. He knows all the tricks of the trade!
[Name removed] is truly super! When my Dad was fired from his job, we suspected it was because of his age. I knew I needed to call [Name removed]. I wanted the best. I knew [Name removed] had been selected by [bolded City Removed] Magazine as a “Super Lawyer” and has been on TV multiple times. My Dad was thrilled with [Name removed] at the initial hearing with the [State Name Removed] Human Relations Commission. My Dad settled his case and ended up with a nice size check to add to his retirement. [Name removed] is truly super!
[Name removed] tripled my settlement I was involved in an accident in which I injured my hand. Since I was not working, I was worried I would not receive much in compensation. The insurance company offered me a settlement, but I was not sure if I should take it. I wanted an attorney I could trust. I called [Name removed] and he handled everything. I received a settlement that was more than triple what I was offered by the insurance company. Boy, I am glad I called [Name removed]…she tripled my settlement.
What do you think? Sure looks like the same reviewer writing these to me. The page I reviewed had five more just like this. When I see bolding, use of keywords and repetition in a review, the review is flagged for me as a violation of Google’s own spam policy and a possible violation of FTC regulations.
As a business owner you need to be aware of what tactics SEO and Google Places services firms will use to promote your business. Don’t be caught in a FTC violation in a possibly illegal or questionable effort to garner top Google Places placement.