Many blog owners forget that blogging is not all about search engines, it is about the readers! Oh, I am not saying that search engines aren’t important, but to have a blog really work for you on many different levels, your having great content and building readership should be your focus.
Search engines cannot be scammed. What garners subscribers and readers to a blog as well as encouraging people to come back is what search engine love too and will reward.
I’ve had a few incidents recently where prospects want super cheap writing for their blog. They don’t care about topic or content, “just slap something up there for the search engines”. What they forget is search engines are highly developed cyber intelligence tools; weighing content of a website, analyzing topics on a page, reviewing keywords, looking for duplicate content in their index, and then assigning a score which affects organic placement. Great on-topic content both on a website and on a blog is rewarded by both search engines and by readers. Content is truly King!
We do not do “production blogging”. We care about what we write and our business has grown tremendously based on the quality of content that our writers produce.