Creating The Best Blog Post Titles

Titling your blog post is a craft, but has a few common sense rules that are easy to follow. Not only is your title a teaser for the actual post, but it can help you with search engines if done properly.

Here are a few examples of blog post titles that not only clearly explain the post or are keyword dense:

Best Practices for e-Newsletters
Runescape – a Game Review for Parents
Best Practices on Using Music on Websites
Effective Blog Posts Titles – A How To
Webkinz – A Parent Game Review
How to Build Web and Blog Traffic
How To Become A Productive Blogger
Website Navigation – Best Practices
Game Reviews for Parents – Club Penguin Reviewed
Social Media Blogging Does It Work?

These are just a few examples but you can see several common elements. There are many searches on best practices, how to’s and reviews. Take advantage of that search traffic to craft your post title to match a search query and pick up some extra traffic.

On a sidebar, take a look at this post, I have used another technique for search engines, I have deep linked to my own websites in a creative way, feeding search engines and you into my content. And take a look at the anchor text (what is included in the hyperlink). Not only is the anchor text a match for my post title, but it is keyword dense.

You can use all of these techniques easily on your own blog, just start first with a well crafted title.

How to Write Effective Blog Post Titles

Getting search engines to your blog and getting readers to click into your blog post are all based on your title and the first 250 characters of your blog content. Your blog post title is important and can generate traffic and interest so it’s important to take time to make it winning.

Most of our clients are blogging for search engines and so here are a few tips to creating a good blog post title that works well for readers too.

1. Consider making your blog post a question. Think of search query phrases that a reader may use to find your information on Google and make that your post title.

2. Consider adding “How to” or “Review” in your blog post title depending on your content.

3. Include keywords in your blog post title but not as a list rather as a keyword dense phrase.

4. Consider creating a catchy title one that grabs attention.

5. Consider adding “Best Practice” in your blog title.

What is key as you think about your title is that it is keyword dense and could possibly match a search query that may match a phrase that many people are searching for verbatim. On your own blog try out different variations and see what works for you by watching your blog site traffic statistics. You’ll quickly find out what content your readers are most interested in and then be able to build blog post series around that content to garner even more traffic.