The Top Three Errors for Website Placement

Get a roadmap on how to improve your website visibility.
Get a roadmap on how to improve your website placement.

Want to move up in organic (unpaid) website placement? Want to drop your ad spend in AdWords? You can if you stop doing these three things.

Taking no action on website reporting and analytics
It is great to evaluate your website, and every business owner should have an eye on Google Analytics and an organic placement reporting program, but you kill your ability to move up if you don’t take action from the data.

Not regularly blogging or building website content
You cannot move forward and improve your website placement if you are not building keyword effective content. If you are tired of your current placement, think you spend too much on AdWords, it is important to be doing something about the issue and the resolution would be content building.

Not getting the expert or consulting help you need
There is no reason to say, I cannot understand the reports, I cannot improve my organic placement. Paid consultants are expert help to plan a roadmap for your strategy and in many cases can even enact and monitor the plan. Many consultants like myself allow you to decide the hours of time you want to invest in services. If you ask me to help and you have candidly expressed your budget needs or issues, I am happy to create a plan that allows you to focus on things that really help move your site forward first and prioritize what you should do when you have the time or money.

Don’t just gripe or think things cannot change, get busy with a plan and professional help to turn things around and work towards the long term goal of organic placement improvement.

I invite you to visit my website to find out more about the web visibility services we provide at McCord Web Services. I think you will find us easy to work with and extremely knowledgeable.

How Do You Get the Word Out About a New Service?

We Are a Google Partner Specializing in Search Marketing
We Are a Google Partner Specializing in Search Marketing

I had a colleague contact me about a prospect the other day. They said their long time client wanted to promote a new service but they did not want to do pay per click, maybe remarketing or social media instead.

The prospective customer told me he had a new seasonal repair program for his business and wanted to get the word out and get his phone to ring for bookings – like now!

In my honest opinion as a internet marketing and web visibility expert pay per click using Google AdWords is the best way to promote a new service of this nature. Here’s why…

When you have a short time period to get results, AdWords delivers immediately. Social media promotion will depend on the size of your fan base. There’s no purpose posting a promo to Facebook and hoping to get results if you have 10 followers! Now Facebook pay per click may be an option and a good one for some prospects, but never drive traffic to your Facebook page – rather drive traffic to your website.

When you need to get the word out fast, AdWords delivers. Blog posting, social media postings are great but build slow organic momentum. I do not consider either strong and immediate lead generators.

Remarketing is great for most businesses, but not for immediate returns. But, remarketing IS an AdWords product and USES a pay per click model. It may take some prospects a week to build the 100 cookie list that is needed to show ads and for others it may take more than 30 days.

If you have less traffic you will not get an immediate response in fact ads won’t even show until you have the right number of cookies. Also remember even remarketing competes in the AdWords auction, your bid has to be high enough to get Display Network placement with Google.

For the majority of prospective customers, AdWords is the best fit for immediate lead generation. If you want to chat about your needs, I encourage you to visit our website to review our pricing and program and then give me a call to chat about your needs.

What to do About Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement, what can you do? Have you found your website content on another website? Found others using your trademark name? Found a website that has snatched your own personal images?

How to resolve copyright infringement

It is smart to look for your copyrighted content on other websites and take action.
It is smart to look for your copyrighted content on other websites and take action.

There are several things you can do to get the offending site owner’s notice and protect your own copyrighted content.

The first step is to send a notice with a formal takedown request. Give the website owner 10 days to take action or respond. Make sure you keep copies of your email or written correspondence.

Be specific in your request, but reasonable. Ten days to remove content or images is about the norm.

At the end of your time period review if the copyright infringement has been resolved. If not, now it’s time to contact the webhost.

Go first to Who Is Hosting This, and do a search on the site’s domain name. Then contact the web host and ask that the site that is infringing on your copyright be taken down. Make sure to mention the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and ask for a DMCA site takedown.

The host will typically take immediate action and take down the entire website, contact the site owner, and demand the offending content be removed before the host will relaunch the website.

You’d better believe that this gets quick action from the website owner who may have initially disregarded your removal notice. Don’t just take copyright infringement, protect your own intellectual property.

Do You Need a Webmaster?

Hands with red fraWebmaster on-demand services may be a great fit for your reaches out from big heap of crumpled papers
Webmaster on-demand services may be a great fit for your needs.

Are you the type that buys a website, pays for hosting and then thinks you are done? Do you update your website or just think about it?

Your website should be a work in progress. It should not be a set it up and forget it kind of thing. Consider your website like a plant, for search engines to notice it, it needs regular care and feeding.

At least once a month your webmaster should look at your website traffic, check security if you are using a WordPress website, and look to build additional content to keep your site fresh.

But, do you need someone on your payroll to be your webmaster? Most likely not, unless your are running a large ecommerce operation. Here’s where webmaster on-demand services may be a perfect fit for you, and we offer them with no long term contracts or commitments.

Although we may not be the best technology match for every website, for many we are. Find out more about our webmaster services and give us a call to see if we can help you too.