Twitterati and Twitter-Pros Looking for Your Comments

I am doing a review for my e-newsletter this month on using Twitter for business and marketing. I will be Twittering a lot this month as I check out applications and what works best.

If you have a Twitter application you swear by, a Twitter technique you use for business, or simply want to share your Twitter tips, leave me a comment below. If you leave your name and website, I’ll even quote you and link to your site in my May e-newsletter giving you credit.

For me, I really like Twitter, but only as a fab tool which I have cross linked to all my social media networks. I push out my blog on Twitter, feed by Twitter status update to Facebook, and review Twitter once or Twice a day. I even program Twitter posts. I get asked all the time to Twitter for clients, but won’t. The beauty of Twitter is that micro blogs are written by you not by a Ghost Twit.

I have predicted before, but will do again. I think Google will buy Twitter this year. It is hot and ripe for them to try to use as an ad vehicle for AdWords.

So to all you Twitterati (those who know how to use Twitter and love it) or Twitter-Pros if you prefer that name, let me know what you like and what you use and I’ll check it out and write about you and the application.

Google – Will It Lens? Sure!

Man, these Google Engineers have way too much time on their hands! If you want a chuckle for today, click in to read the full post on the Google blog.

At lunch Googlers are going out on the deck to see what they can burn up, cook, and destroy with a huge lens. Hey not all of them are guys, but this is clearly a “guy thing”. You can see that they have burned up pennies, cooked popcorn, smoked a soda can, and just what else these techies have had fun messing up.

I’m sure we’ve all fooled around when we were kids with ants and magnifying glasses, but Google needs to do everything big. Their lens is four foot by three foot Fresnel lens. So if you need something light to start you day off with, check out what Googlers are frying up today on their break!

Yahoo Sponsored Search 1/2 Price Sale

That’s right if you have the right product, you can generate as many conversions as you can on Google AdWords but at nearly half the click cost! The big caveat is, is your product the right product for Yahoo Sponsored Search?

Not every Yahoo account will out perform a Google account, but here’s what I have found:

Beauty products will do better on Yahoo PPC  than Google AdWords.

Real estate will do better on Yahoo PPC than Google AdWords.

Some education programs and course offerings will do better on Yahoo than Google.

The biggest rule of thumb is if the product is personal in nature or needs a personal relationship to sell or provide it, then Yahoo will be better. If the product is more technical in nature then Google AdWords will beat Yahoo Sponsored Search hands down.

Sometimes you simply need to try Yahoo to see what will happen after you have a mature Google AdWords program. If you have success on Yahoo, you will most likely be successful on Microsoft adCenter. If you are not successful on Yahoo then don’t expand to adCenter in most cases you won’t do any better there. These are  just my personal observations from years of account management. Your best bet is always to start on Google AdWords first and then expand carefully from there.