The College Of Now

Colleges are becoming more and more technology oriented. Everything is moving to the web. Almost everything I need to do is accessible on the web. Here are the things you can do.

• School Email account
• Preorder books through college website (This is great when you get to school you just go to the bookstore and pick them up, they are all in a nice box for you. This eliminates the long lines.)
• Check class work and schedule online
• Check grades online
• Sign up for classes online(this tells you if classes are available and even how many seats are available)
• Converse with teachers
• Pay bills
• Pay fines
• Check for holds on classes and accounts
• Pay Tuition online
• check if your laundry is done online, or if there are any available washers and dryers
• get text message alerts for anything troublesome on campus

This is all very different from when my parents were in college, from what they have told me they didn’t have computers available and calculators were the size of textbooks.

This is my last post as I am now going back to college. Thanks for being patient while I blogged for my Mom. I found out first hand it is much harder being a blogger than I thought it would be.

Times have really changed and college has too by embracing technology making convenience come to you with the click of a mouse. One thing that hasn’t changed is the amount of work and participation to be successful at college.

Some People Should Not Be Bloggers

Well, some people should not be bloggers and although painful for some to hear, it is the truth. I work with developing new blog writing talent all the time and know this to be a fact.

In fact, even more than that, not all good writers will be good bloggers. Some of our blog writers are making an excellent living being professional bloggers. We have some writers who are making around $2,000 a month just writing for blogs in addition to having a full time regular job. That being said there are even more web writers and aspiring writers who want to be bloggers and many simply do not have what it takes.

This is what it takes to be a good professional blogger:

  1. Ability to write on nearly any topic.
  2. Ability to write quickly or to set time limits on research and writing time to stay profitable.
  3. Innate creativity and ability to turn a phrase to make a somewhat dull topic interesting and to draw the reader in.
  4. Excellent proofreading skills.
  5. Strong working knowledge of proper grammar.
  6. Knowledge of how to find writing topics using Google News and
  7. Versatility in regards to writing tone and style. Some clients need a more chatty type blog post and others need pure informational or reviews.
  8. Desire to improve and work on their writing craft and not sensitive about constructive criticism.
  9. Dependability, posting at noon means just that not 12:10 or 3:00 PM.
  10. Ability to write for many topics within the same day and to become an expert on many topics quickly through a questioning mind.

Many bloggers I have tried or interviewed have one or several of these attributes, but many with a great style can only write with a personal point of view and so can never write informational pieces. Others only want to write on things they already know about, and still others don’t understand dependability or being on time.

It takes a combination of qualities from my list of ten to make the perfect blogger, but if you have them, you may be able to make an excellent income blogging as a job to supplement your regular job just like some of our writers.

Stranger Than Weird

Just to let everyone know McCord Web Services at Ravenna Court is not a law office.

You might think this is weird for me to bring this up, but over that past couple of days we have had people calling hysterically saying they can’t make it to court, to people asking if we had any other law firms in our building.

When we heard this, we were dumb struck, we operate in a home office with other residences around us. When we told the man who called last night that this was a home office,  he let us know that there was a telephone scam going around in California and, they were using our office address.

The scam was either you pay someone some amount of money to get you out of trouble, or you have to come to our address for “Ravenna Court” at a specific time.

If anyone else gets this notice on the web or by a phone call please ignore the person and what they are saying. Above all please do not show up to 2254 Ravenna Court for “Court”, because you will be very disappointed when you realize you are at someone’s home and not a law office of any kind. So once again please disregard the call if it is made to you. This scam is only using our address and has nothing to do with us or our business.

Best Organic Optimization Plan

From my over eight years of experience with websites and organic optimization, I have found what I consider the best organic optimization plan of attack.

  1. Strong initial and comprehensive keyword research
  2. Good use of source code optimization to include unique title tags, and a meta description
  3. Strong keyword density in h1 and h2 tags in the site’s source code
  4. Inclusion of well-written and engaging keyword dense content with keyword dense anchor text links in the content
  5. Integration of a blog with well written keyword dense blog posts published a minimum of three times per week
  6. Monthly creation of a feature article that is syndicated on various article sites and archived back on the parent website
  7. Quarterly press release on new topics, services or interviews and distributed via PR Web.

With this organic optimization plan you are bound to build “web authority” and over time improve your organic placement.

This process is not rocket science, but must be done carefully and by a knowledgeable team with a strong focus on optimization. I know from experience, as I have performed this process, on a number of websites that this is the very best organic optimization process and will provide results in the long run.

To find out more about our organic optimization services if you need help with your own web visibility, I invite you to review our code optimization process, blog writing services, and press release writing program.

Remember improving your organic search engine position takes time, but this process WILL work for you regardless of what business or service you promote.