Obama Time for Change

Barack Obama, I’m not sure if he is brining good change or bad, but change is coming.

As you all know Obama is our new president and is sitting waiting to be inaugurated today. This is really cool and all because it’s  happening here right around me in the Washington DC area. The inauguration today is supposed to be the largest gathering ever on the National Mall. I’m not going and I am not trying to get caught up in the traffic or in the subways today.

On the day he was elected I saw giant mobs of people come out of the dorm’s at my college.  It was all in good celebration at first, but then the McCain supporters came out. Then confrontations started, some turned into fights and then the police came. This all surprised me because I felt that this occasion was one to be remembered, not one to fight over. I thought everyone would be happy for change.

I am definitely ready for change and am excited to see what Obama does to bring our country out of this hole, a certain someone has gotten us into. When others heard I was excited for this change they were puzzled, because I was a McCain supporter. I hope for great things now that Obama is our President. Sure I supported McCain because he had more experience but I think Obama will do a fine job.

Proof Blogging Helps Your Organic Placement

You know I was surprised by a customer yesterday. He called to chat about our organic search optimization services. He told me that he had done a Google search on best organic optimization and that my site was placed highly.

In fact I checked it out after our chat as I do not optimize on that keyword phrase and the optimization business is very competitive on the Web and he was right my site was placed but in position 41. What was even more interesting was that it was not my website that had caught his eye, but my blog post titled “What Should You Expect to Pay for Optimization”.

He found me and liked what he saw from a web search that had returned my blog and then followed links from my blog into my website and then picked up the phone to call me.

You never know how a client will find you, but this is clear proof that topical blog posts that are keyword dense will place organically on search engines and act as entry points for prospects to find you and purchase your services.

Now he thought my placement was great, but I had never even optimized for that phrase and think that actually number 41 is low relatively, but I got the phone call not someone else.

If you want to get blogging working for you, now’s the time to visit our blogging services page to review our program and then pick up the phone to call me to chat about your needs and how we can work to bring you leads too.

A Commercial Moment For Girl Scout Cookies

Well it’s that time of year again; Girl Scouts are out and about selling their cookies. I have personal experience with this because my sisters are in the Girl Scouts and they have a goal.

They each want to sell something like 120 boxes of cookies and we only have so many neighbors. I think it’s silly to try to win a prize like what they want. They have both selected a junky little bag with some brushes and a stuffed elephant! That’s a lot of work for a tooky toy.

But, then I learned the true reason why the girls sell the cookies, it turns out that all the money doesn’t just go to the troop. The troop only gets 50 cents per box and the rest goes to the Girl Scout Council to help poor girls that can’t afford to be in Girl Scouts. The money raised from cookies allows them to join and be part of a group and stay active.

My sisters and the rest of the Girl Scouts all work very hard at selling these cookies, and my Mom is pressuring me to buy some to help them out. This isn’t a big deal to me because I love Girl Scout cookies, and I think you do too. So, when a little girl comes to your door asking if you would like to buy some cookies, keep in mind the girls that they help.

Now, to the top selling cookies on the Girl Scout cookie list. (TOP 5)
1.  Thin Mints
2.  Samoas
3.  Do-Si-Dos
4.  Trefoils
5.  Lemons

What is my personal favorite? I love the lemons!

Why You Can’t Farm Out Social Networking

You just can’t fake it when it comes to social networking. Sorry, it’s just not something that you can farm out to someone to do for you, you just have to do it yourself.

In fact that is the real value of social networking versus blogging or your website, it is you reacting with other people on a one to one basis. You can’t fake or ghost-do this!

I personally have seen some people actually hire social media coaches – now, there is value in that for novices who have just not gotten with the program to help assure that you have all the “boxes on your ticket checked”. I personally no longer set up Facebook or LinkedIn accounts for clients. I have found simply that it is impossible to speak for them effectively on highly personal issues such as favorite books, personal background and interests.

I love social networking, as I know that it is simply impossible to cheat on the creation of connections, but how you use social networking to your benefit is up to you. If all you do is add one more connection as if it is a numbers game, then you are really missing the absolute best aspect of it, which is to connect personally with other.

For me, I am now speaking to members of the French speaking family I lived with for one year in high school in Brussels on a foreign exchange program on a several times a week basis now versus at Christmas time. That’s just one example of a personal connection that has been reignited with Facebook in this case. Do you have an example you’d want to share about your experience with social networking? Do it now by clicking comments and tell me.