Have Twitter Auto-Update Your Status in Facebook

Wow, this was so cool I just have to share it right now. Here the link: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2231777543

This application allows your Twitter updates to be status updates in Facebook. Now you don’t have to login in a million places to update your status. Just do a Tweet with what you are doing and voilà, your Tweet appears as a new status update on Facebook.

Just another reason that I just LOVE Twitter!


Moussa Moaadel Realtors Website Launched

Moussa Moaadel RealtorsWe’ve just completed another of our Quick Launch website projects. You can view the website for Moussa Moaadel Realtors, Inc. from the link under their name.

This website has been done from one of our prefab website templates. It has been customized to match the clients logo colors and design.

The website have been built to provide a very cost efficient web presence at a price less than half of a custom website.

Moussa Moaadel Realtors, Inc is a real estate firm based in Chevy Chase, Maryland that is a boutique style real estate firm specializing in the unique, different, large estate home or high-end commercial property. With a sold portfolio of large tracts, land, and star-power estate homes in Potomac and Darnestown, this reality firm, which previously had no web presence, is now able to showcase their unique position in the real estate marketplace.

After having worked with the team at Moussa Moaadel Realtors, I can say with conviction that they are friendly, knowledgeable, and wonderfully unique when it comes to providing exceptional real estate service in the Washington DC region.

Twitter Your Way to Success

Do you have a new website or blog? One of the first questions you may now be asking yourself is how do you get traffic to the site?

Twitter is an excellent vehicle to use to build traffic and create buzz. There are all kinds of Twitter applications that help you to move your Tweets to other venues. I use TwitterFeed to post my blog on Twitter and to post my Tweets on my blog. It is an easy to install widget that goes into your blog template and it works.

I recommend for new website and blog owners that they do a few things to help drive traffic to their new site, here is my short list:

  1. Use Twitter first, it is easy, fast and fun.
  2. Get going with Twitter Feed.
  3. Schedule Tweets on days you don’t do blog posts with Twuffer.
  4. Actively and aggressively work to build your Twitter network.
  5. Get going with Facebook and LinkedIn – these are the big social networking sites.
  6. Consider setting up accounts Plaxo and Xing for social networking.
  7. Do a press release. Yes it is pricey but will get links out there for your website or blog in a hurry.
  8. Start posting on forums and other blogs – not commercials but real comments – make sure to link to your new site. You won’t get search engine organic capital this way, but you may get a bit of traffic.

Do you have something to add to my list? Click comments and share your tips for traffic.

Do You Really Own What You Think You Own When It Comes To Your Website?

If you’ve paid a bundle for your website you think you own it right? Well, what you think you own in reality may not be what you really own. Here’s a very short case study that you can learn from.

This client may or may not want to move their web host. The original web designer provides hosting services as well. The client called the web designer/host to ask what they own. They were told they own their website in entirety.

When the client asked for FTP access for me, they were told by the web designer/host that to do so would void any warranties they had for their website. When the client asked for the Dreamweaver website templates, HTML files, and Flash files including .fla Flash portfolio files, they were told that they could have the HTML files only, no Dreamweaver templates or .fla files – they did not own those items.

This means that the client owns a “picture” or non-editable version of their Flash portfolio, and that any other webmaster will have to defeat the Dreamweaver template code to do website updates taking more time. Any additions to the Flash portfolio will cause the portfolio to have to be redone from scratch or they are black mailed into going back to the original web designer for any future Flash portfolio updates.

So, clearly this client does not own their website. What is worse is that the web designer also registered the client’s domain name in their own business name [web designer’s] and when the client pushed to have the domain changed to their own business, the web designer pushed back saying “you own it, why bother?”. With proof from a domain name review using WhoIs, the web designer then back pedaled and said “Yes, really legally, we own it, but we know it is yours.”

So what do you think you own that you may not own? Now’s the time to find out and correct that. I believe that each website owner should get what they pay for. Before the final deliverables of your website are completed, you should demand a disk of all native files (.psd files, .fla files, .flv files). You should demand that your domain is registered in your own name and that you are given all website and domain name control panel login URLs and passwords. You need to own out right and know how to manage your domain name and your web hosting account for possible future needs.

Situations with webmasters go bad. We have two right now that we are dealing with for clients. Things may be great right now, but if you have control on these important accounts and issues, you are in the driver’s seat and cannot be blackmailed for future business or made to feel that to move your account is simply too much trouble.