October e-Newsletter Published

We’ve just published our October e-newsletter online.

Topics for this month are:

1. Google AdWords Changes Cause Sweeping Impact in Cost Per Clicks

This feature article discusses Google’s new AdWords update that was rolled out on September 15th and what it means in layman terms for Google AdWords advertisers. What you can expect in your own account, what to look for, and our concrete recommendations to help your account return to a level of performance.

2. AM Warner Insurance is launched.

3. McCord Web Services is redesigned.

Review it online now!

Google AdWords Changes Cause Sweeping Impact in Cost Per Clicks

In the second week of September, Google AdWords rolled out some big changes. Some of the impacts of these changes are just now beginning to be felt by many advertiser accounts.

First, what Google did was to do just a few important tweaks to their highly profitable ad delivery system called AdWords. Here the changes are in a nutshell.

1. Keywords are no longer marked “inactive for search” – Google now allows all words to be shown in the search index and will deliver clicks based on quality score, bid price, and daily budget.

2. Quality Score is now more accurate – Google has stated that they will evaluate the quality score as the search query is entered.

3. “First page bid estimates” replace “minimum bids” – Google also said that they would start showing information to help advertisers know how much to bid for certain hot property keywords to appear on the first page of the search results.

What has happened in accounts, as of this change, has been broad and sweeping. The change has particularly affected advertisers in major market such as Los Angeles, Washington DC, New York City, and San Francisco, just to name a few. The change has been pretty striking in regards to increasing the cost per click, as much as a 35% and sometimes even more to have specific hot property word appear on the first page of Google search results. This impact has been felt particularly on “Poor” quality score rated keywords, but even keywords with an “Ok” rating.

What I have seen just a few days after the AdWords rollout was a striking drop in average ad position across the board on many accounts in many diverse business sectors in major metropolitan markets. Typically we like our client’s average ad position to be from 2 to about 6; depending on the client’s daily budget, the importance of the keyword, and the price to be competitive with the market competition. We saw many accounts which had been operating at this level suddenly have an average ad position drop to an average position of six to nine or lower. We have needed to adjust the maximum cost per click in many of these accounts; fattening Google’s pocketbook and stretching the client’s budget to the limit.

Many smaller markets such as Cincinnati, Ohio; Louisville, Kentucky, and other similar markets have not really been impacted by this recent change. However, the major metropolitan areas have been hit hard. What I found even shocking, as a professional account manager, was some of the notes on what Google recommended that the advertiser pay to appear on the first page of Google search results. Just one example is for family dental care (for the Washington DC metro area) the bid was $57! I do want to make sure to caution clients, who self manage their Google AdWords accounts, to be careful on upping the ante to these recommended figures. Remember, Google is in this to make a profit, this tactic may be considered “up-selling.” This is also a good time to evaluate the quality score of a keyword and to pause or delete those keywords that may be sapping your program’s health.

What I found interesting was that for many of the keywords where Google suggested a huge increase such as $15 to $26 PER CLICK to be on the first page of search results, the monthly figures showed that the keyword already had an average position of 2 or so at a figure of around $6.50 per click and in some cases have a quality score of “Ok” and a decent click through rate. In one specific case, the maximum cost per click was set at $12.00 but the actual cost that Google billed was $2.02. Remember, the client whose ad appears in the number one position is definitely being charged $12.00 per click by Google as they are the price leader.

Here are my recommendations from about two weeks worth of careful review of many Google AdWords accounts.

1. If your budget is under $500 for clicks per 30 day period translating into an figure under $16.67 per day, you really must consider increasing your click spend in order to get in the game. If you really cannot increase your spending level then you should only run one or two ad groups in your account. You can identify if you have fallen out of the competitor mix by reviewing your ad spend. If Google has not been able to spend your monthly budget for clicks, then your cost per click setting is too low and you will not garner the impressions needed to make your AdWords advertising program successful.

To read our other recommendations please subscribe to our e-newsletter and receive the full article in your in box on the morning of October 1.

How Has The Economy Affected Your Business?

Has the blow-back from the US economic crisis affected your business yet?

If so what pull-back approach are you taking?

Are you cutting advertising as a result of efforts to trim costs?

Have your client account payments been affected?

These are just a few of the questions that small business owner such as myself and my clients are discussing. I had one client tell me that his own client base had just simply stopped paying on time. We have experienced several client situations where we have had to turn client accounts over for collection for the first time in eight years.

In a tough economy, such as ours, it is important to keep a cool head and focus on your business longevity. Many of us will be able to weather this storm and come out stronger, unlike some industries such as the real estate and the mortgage industry, where the crisis is so deep that some firms are being driven out of business.

So what do you do when times are tough for your business? One quick comment, it is not the US alone, but a global issue. I have chatted with several contemporaries in Spain and the United Kingdom who are experiencing many of the same issues that we are in the US in regards to draw-down and pull-back.

This is what my firm is doing:

1. Getting very proactive with slow payers to bring them into line with our payment terms.

2. Working with a collection agency for the first time in eight years to collect accounts over 90 days old.

3. Reviewing carefully our spending history. This is not necessarily a time to just routinely upgrade software. I have purchased some upgrades but made very careful selections, but others, I will defer to later or indefinitely.

4. Carefully reviewed my business profitability. If I cannot offer a service profitably, I have dropped it or realigned it to be profitable; factoring in the cost of credit card processing and overhead has been extremely important in some of my most recent decisions in regards to pricing models.

5. Stopped doing business with clients that simply will not pay on time and sap my available time with collection efforts.

What have you done to keep you business afloat in these trying times? Click add your comment below and leave me a note. I would be most interested in hearing what you are doing to move your business forward.

Domain Name Ending School

The most popular domain name endings are .com, .org, and .us. But most of us without thinking will enter .com if we do not know the ending first. But did you know that the endings are actually meant for certain business sectors?

.com is for anyone

.org is typically reserved for non profits

.net is typically reserved for Internet communicators firms and telecommunications

However with the glut of website all this has been turned on its ear when a business cannot find its name in it preferred .com state. If you choose a domain ending other than .org and you are non profit, will you get a legal note demanding that you change. No, of course not, but I recommend that you check first to see if you can find your domain name with the correct – best business practices ending first, and then look outward to other domain name endings.

If your domain name is not available as a .com, I suggest considering the .us (if you are a US business), a .biz, or the new .pro (if you are a lawyer or other licensed professional). It is always best to try to stay within ICANN guidelines on domain names, but with the few .com’s that are still available you may need to consider branching out.