Your Subs Should Always Be First

Take care of them and they will take care of you… that’s how it goes in the subcontracting world. If you subcontract out work to independent contractors make sure to treat them the way you want to be treated by your clients.

One of the biggest gripes that subcontractors have is not being paid on time. So if you hire subs yourself make sure to pay them on time. Once you create a corral of dependable sub contractors you can focus on growing your business. In fact using sub contractors can dramatically grow your business while keeping your costs low and leveraging your profit. But if you don’t keep your sub contractors happy and have a revolving door of staff, you can eat up any profits with retraining and having to follow behind unqualified helpers.

The key is to find excellent contractors, train them, and keep them. The longer a contractor stays with you, the more valuable they can become to your business. I’ve found these tips to keep subcontractors happy.

  1. Pay on time.
  2. Value their efforts.
  3. Give feedback and provide training.
  4. Be generous with your time on questions.
  5. Make sure you are paying a fair rate based on experience and effort.

If you’re a sub contractor, what do you hate most. Here’s my short list.

  1. Not being paid on time
  2. No feedback given on my efforts
  3. No training provided.
  4. Ideas and suggestions for improvement in services never enacted.
  5. No contact with the decision makers in the main office on policy that impact my work.
  6. Not being paid a fair rate based on experience.

If you have others leave them in the comments below I welcome you input.

This is a Test of Posting To My Blog Using Blog Desk

This post is being done on my desktop using the application called Blog Desk. I am testing to see if I can post to multiple blogs with one click on my desktop location without having to log into my blog server.

Let you know later how it goes and if the software is worth using.

New Quick Launch Website Completed

We’ve just finished a new Quick Launch website for the Global Movement Against Radical Islam. You can view it at Quick Launch is our super fast web presence program that allows you to cost efficiently have a great looking website completed in record time using pre-made website templates.

This template is from Dreamweaver CS3’s template library and has been customized to fit the client’s needs. The site was completed in one day – now that’s a quick launch! We’ve got lots of great templates to select from and some can handle more customization than others, but take a look if you need a budget website done fast.


LinkedIn Penalty – Have You Been Caught?

If you are loading a large contact list into LinkedIn, be aware that you may run into their user penalty. What I am speaking about is a step by LinkedIn to trim spam and to keep their application about connections.

For me, I am definitely not a spammer. However I did get caught by the filter just the same. LinkedIn encourages you to load your address books and lists and to connect with every person you have ever contacted. However, if some of these people do not remember you or if you were a casual acquaintance, they can mark your invitation as “I do not know this person” and ding you. Get three or four dings and LinkedIn will not let you connect with anyone unless you know their email address.

So be careful about loading a large list you may get caught too. At this point LinkedIn says contact their customer service department to say you understand the rules and they will re enable the ability to connect but make sure to not let that happen again.

If you’ve had similar issues with LinkedIn, let me know what you did to resolve them. By the way one of our European friends mentioned that is the application in Europe so look soon for our Xing profile and connect with us there too.