Blog Writing Change

We’ve had a staff meeting this last weekend and have changed how we blog for clients. Previously we have stated that your content may predetermine if we can blog for you and at what blog writing level.

Based on our staff meeting, four of my top writers decided that we can blog for just about anyone at our starter Jade Level. As long as there is a wealth of content to be found on the Web on their general topic, we can do a Jade Level blog for $15 per post. My team constantly surprises me with their “Can Do” attitude.

Additionally to help more people get blogging we have significantly dropped our blog set up price. Set up is now $150. Although WordPress and Blogger are both free applications configuration and set up (especially custom FTP Blogger set up), can be difficult. With our services for blog set up, we take away the headaches and even give you a 15 minute online training class to help you start blogging fast.

So if you were thinking about blogging, set up is now more affordable, and blog writing to supplement your own blog writing is easier to find and now available at our starter level for more blogs.

Contact Forms – Best Practices

For contact forms the best practice is to keep it short and to not require too much information. You will have better success in clients completing your contact form if you do not require more than an email address and first name.

On my own site, I require only the email and first name all other fields are optional. I do provide quick and easy check boxes and radio buttons for interested parties to let me know which services they are interested in, but I do not require much information.  On ad landing pages, I require nothing but ask for first name, last name, email and phone number only, no address.

I have found that clients will typically find a detailed contact form prohibitive and will choose not to complete it, so when you do a contact form on your own website, make it simple, keep it short, and require few fields.

Nancy McCord Featured on the Weekend Entrepreneur Blog

I’ve recently been interviewed by the Entrepreneur Blog network and the interview has been posted on the Weekend Entrepreneur blog. You can read the full article here.

The article talks about how I transitioned from the corporate world to business owner and the specific things that I did to grow my business. Here’s just a small quote:

“What we found valuable about her journey from corporate life to becoming an entrepreneur in May of 2001, was the process she went through to determine how to transfer her years of corporate experience, knowledge, skills and passion to a new profession. Her sales enjoyed a 50 percent increase in 2007 from 2006 sales by expanding her services, staying true to her concept and adding independent contractors to her operation.”