Invitation to Microsoft Analytics Program

Click this link to be invited to Microsoft Web Analytics – Gatineau Beta

Microsoft is testing a new analytics package similar to Google Analytics and you’ll want to try it out. The link adds you to the waiting list to check it out. You will need a MSN adCenter account in order to try the program out. You will also pay $5 for the account.

I for one have signed up to see if the product is better than Google Analytics and what the differences may be. You may want to sign up as well.

Ding, Dong, The Wicked Witch is Dead- Google Kills the Supplemental Index

Yahoo! Well really Googlehoo!, The Wicked Witch is dead. Google has just announced that it has killed the Supplemental Index.

Google’s Supplemental Index has previously been affectionately known as “Google Hell” and if your site arrived there, there was simply no getting out. There were many tips on the Web that had been widely circulated on how to get out, but the reality was that short of changing the content on every page and even changing your page name and starting all over, you were stuck.

Now, Google has announced in their Search Blog that they have killed the Supplemental Index. In about July this past year Google had dropped the additional descriptor “Supplemental Index” next to search queries which had been the bain of all professional webmasters. After that change, we could only guess by poor website performance if a site had landed in “Google Hell”.

Google has now stated:

“…From a user perspective, this means that you’ll be seeing more relevant documents and a much deeper slice of the web, especially for non-English queries. For webmasters, this means that good-quality pages that were less visible in our index are more likely to come up for queries.”

Google has stated that this change has been due to new technology and their unabashed “amazing technical feats” allowing a full search of the entire index for every search query.

So… ding, dong, the Wicked Witch is finally dead! Good Riddance!

The Drudge Report – Why Design in Blogs Doesn’t Matter

That’s right, the design of your blog simply doesn’t matter attested to the article linked to our title. In this article the writer values the Drudge Report, a popular political blog at around $40 million. Is is worth it?

Take a look at the Drudge Report here This is a very lame layout and design and now I am not being tongue in cheek here.

The lesson learned from the Drudge Report is that it’s the content stupid not the design! To me it looks like Matt Drudge could easily spend a couple hundred dollars and get a really great blog design that was interesting to look at and would communicate visually his message better, but who am I to point a finger. According to Conde Nast’s blog the Drudge Report is visited by 1.3 million unique visitors every month. Go figure! Great content will always excuse bad design, but really Matt, you need an overhaul.