Another New Quick Launch Website Launched

We’ve just launched this nice looking Quick Launch website for Michael P. Taylor an attorney in Baltimore, Maryland. You can click our post title or visit it here

This very simple yet attractive website is five pages and uses one of our Quick Launch pre-made templates. Quick Launch allows for an affordable and super fast web presence. Check out the site and see what you think.

Are You Too Connected?

I just shopped for a new cell phone yesterday. Wow is there some eye candy out in the cell phone marketplace, but do you really need all that stuff?

First, I have to say that it used to be (well two years ago) that you could get a pretty hot phone for $100 with your two year contract. Now the starting price is over $250 with a two year contract. As I looked at the phones I thought do I want to be on the Web, do I want people to email me on my phone? You know what, I simply do not want to be that connected!

I am busy enough without being out and about away from the office that I want clients and customers to call me anytime and anywhere. I need some downtime and so does my family. So I have made the decision that although many may disagree, that I do not want to browse the Web and get email on my phone. When I am out of the office after a 50 hour work week, I need to be just that “out of the office”.

So my new phone is my old phone, music enabled, photo enabled, but not a browser or email application. I am letting my 18 year old get the new hot phone and then he can pay for his own Internet access. :0)

Google’s Knol For Wikipedia-Like Information

This is Google’s new brainchild that is in testing – knol – or as they call it “unit of knowledge”. Currently this new roll out is in testing and is being done by invitation only. The bottom line is that Google is wanting authors who are experts on specific topics to write a piece and then for a community, like Wikipedia, to interact with the information.

It creates a mini-web page for each topic. Clearly this will be searchable and will give authors on good topics excellent exposure and even a portion of ad proceeds. You can click my post title to read the full information about this new interactive tool from the Google Search blog.

Here is an image of a Knol on insomnia from the Google site. Looks like a very slick version of Wikipedia.

May personal take on this is that this could be very good for a business. Instead of posting articles on various sites as link bait, why not have one really great page that Google will create and that all you have to do is moderate. Also as this is Google, remember, it will certainly be included in the SERPs in a big way. This could be an extraordinary degree of exposure for experts and consultants in their industry.

Just Take That Photo From That Website and Use It on Mine

We hear this all the time from website owners. I found the perfect picture, just take it and put it on my website.

It is important for clients and web professionals to know that taking an image or content from another site is a copyright infringement. You can not just right click and make something yours! Everything on the Web belongs to someone. Even if there isn’t a copyright notification at the bottom of the web page, the item can only be used with permission.

When we do images for websites we pay for the photos that we use. We typically use iStockPhotos and for $1 own a license to use a photo one time on a website. For each time we use the photo, we download and pay for it. We also use Microsoft’s free photos from the clip art gallery. The license on these images states that you can use them for all uses except for the creation of logos.

So don’t cheat, don’t steal get your images from a legitimate source. Remember even images on Google images are copyrighted! The biggest suggestion we can offer is that when you are using images and content for your commercial website use, the rules are different and the bar is higher, you can simply not afford to snatch something that belongs to someone else.