Do You Work on a Smile and a Handshake?

You know I used to do that – work on a smile and a handshake. Then I got burned a few times. Now I use a letter of agreement aka contract based on one from the American Institute of Graphic Artists for creative professionals. I was worried that when I instituted the change that I would scare customers off with the legal jargon. By the way the agreement is over seven pages long, but it did not.

In my agreement I try to be as transparent as possible, covering what happens when you don’t pay, what interest is assigned, when we consider a payment late, who owns the creative rights to all we do, and when we will assign additional charges and fees. I consider my agreement professional protection for both myself and for my clients.

Did I lose any clients by moving from a handshake to sign on the dotted line? No, what I did do was weed out the people who wanted to abuse me or take advantage of me. In fact I have experienced very strong growth since instituting the agreement.

It is unfortunate that designers and consultants simply must have a contract when they work professionally as there are definitely some people who intend at the very beginning to take advantage of you either in time or in not paying what they owe.

So if you have been operating on a smile and a handshake, I am here to tell you that the biggest hurdle is not getting customer to sign on the dotted line but rather changing your own mindset to require a signature and deposit before you lift a finger on a project.

Google’s New Transparency on Quality Score

Finally, Google has decided to offer a little bit of help on the Quality Score in Google AdWords. Search Engine Land has a nice article that you can read and even a screen shot. Just click our post title to read more on that and see the image.

Now when you want more information on the Quality Score click your mouse on the magnifying glass next to the keyword in the Ad Group View. You will see a screen that shows a synopsis, then click the link on the screen on the Quality Score for even more information about your keyword relevance and about your landing page. I consider this increased transparency welcome and needed for effective management of Google AdWords.

Why should you care what your Quality Score is on Google AdWords? The higher your Quality Score, the lower your cost per click will be as Google will consider your ad, keywords, and landing page more relevant to readers. You may even find with a higher Quality Score that your ads will be shown more frequently as typically your click through rate will be higher. Your Quality Score is simply a health score of your program. Google rewards healthy programs with more activity, lower click costs, and potential placement in the top spots above organic listings.

Your Quality Score is all about a tight match between your keyword trigger list, your ad text, and the keywords and density on your landing page. Now with Google’s new transparency you can finally clearly target where your problem is so you can take action and improve your performance on Google AdWords.

Got Blog? How to Blog Effectively

Man there are a lot of bad blogs on the Web and then there are some really great ones. I have several sites that I routinely watch in my industry sector, I also watch our self-blogging client blogs, and our ghost blogging contractred blogs. All in all, you’ve just got to pick and chose what you follow.

I know that many people have started to blog solely for search engine benefits and that is okay by me, but when you blog for your business, the content just has to be good. With that in mind, here are my top tips to blog more effectively for search engines and for your business.

  1. Provide interesting content that your readers would consider helpful.
  2. Keep your posts regular and then stick with a schedule.
  3. Mention keywords in your blog title and blog labels or categories.
  4. Make your posts small no dissertations! Break larger posts into a series.
  5. Be careful on your spacing. Make sure you look at your post after you publish it to confirm that the spacing is correct.
  6. Don’t paste in your posts from Word. Sorry you need to move them to Wordpad or Notepad first and then into the blog control panel to remove formatting.
  7. Keep the fonts, styles, and colors consistent on your blog from post to post.
  8. Don’t use huge headlines and don’t use all capitals.
  9. Watch the news in your business sector and blog early and hard on important news or tips.
  10. If you can do a Google Sitemap for your blog posts so the search engines know about your content.

I hope these tips help you to be a more effective blogger. I use these same exact tips to train new bloggers, client bloggers, and to instruct people at seminars on how to blog. Remember blogging is fun, spontaneous, and conversational in nature but does have a few rules of best practice and etiquette.

SEO and Blogs A Dead Issue?

I think not, however the world of blogs and SEO has definitely changed in a big way just this past several weeks.

It used to be that linking to your website by posting on other blogs in the blog comments was a great way to get quality inbound links. But not anymore! Blogger, WordPress and Typepad now automatically with no override control blog search engines from spidering links that you place in comments by including a no follow tag. Don’t confuse this with links in posts, it is just comments that are affected this way.

So what exactly does this mean, are blogs no longer great for SEO? No blogs are still great tools for SEO but the focus needs to change. Here are my top tips:

  1. Don’t waste time posting comments on other blogs to get links back to your site or blog. This strategy no longer works.
  2. Do blog on your own site. Use keyword dense posts and informational content to build the quality of your website and blog overall.
  3. Do heavily link your blog into your website and vice versa.
  4. Do include a site search engine on your website and use WordPress or Blogger custom FTP to allow your blog posts to be spidered as search result content for your website and blog.
  5. If you use WordPress make sure to add the module that allows you to have a meta description, keywords, and social bookmarking tags.
  6. Use social bookmarking tools to help push your site and encourage interaction and sharing. This may very well be the push that replaces commenting on other blogs and pointing back to your site and blog.
  7. Do create relationships with other bloggers in your field to do cross linking IN POSTS not comments to your site. You both will benefit as long as you are not competitors. The creation of some of these strategic partnerships will allow you to have guest authors and a network of interlinked sites for better overall performance.

So is blogging for SEO dead? Not hardly, it has just changed significantly.