Live’s New Webmaster Central Invitation

Visit the link in our post title to send an email and get into the Microsoft Live webmaster central beta program.

If you are using Google webmaster central tools, you’ll want to get in on the ground floor with MSN tools too. I sent my registration and in a day got invited to the beta.

Do Blogs Improve Stickiness?

Yes they do! In our white paper (click our post title to get it free), we prove that having a blog will increase the stickiness of your website. Using two case studies one that was extended over a multiple month period, we track that the amount of time that a viewer stays on your site improves with blogging.

The increases are not as pronounced as those in traffic increase, but still important. So if you want to keep readers longer and keep them engaged, blogging will do it!

Do Blogs Bring You More Website Traffic

You bet they do. In our newest white paper linked to our post title you can find out exactly what to expect when it comes to increased traffic. With four detailed case studies and some sites followed for over a two year period, we can say unequivocally that having a blog will increase your website traffic from a realistic figure of 25 to 35%.

So if you want more site traffic, don’t get scammed by traffic generation schemes, start blogging!

Our Newest White Paper – The Tangible Benefits of Blogging

We’re letting you read it early on our blogs, we publishing our newest white paper “The Tangible Benefits of Blogging” on October 1 in our e-newsletter. Click our post title to enter your email address and first name and then go to our download location to get our free nine page PDF white paper.

This white paper has detailed case studies some of whom we have tracked for a two year period. This white paper took over four months to research and develop. Get it free and get started blogging today for better search engine benefits.