Sneak Preview of Our White Paper – The Tangible Benefits of Blogging

We’re letting you read it early on our blogs, we publishing our newest white paper “The Tangible Benefits of Blogging” on October 1 in our e-newsletter. Click our post title to enter your email address and first name and then go to our download location to get our free nine page PDF white paper.

This white paper has detailed case studies some of whom we have tracked for a two year period. This white paper took over four months to research and develop. Get it free and get started blogging today for better search engine benefits.

The New Trend Using Blog Posts to Build Website Content

I have to say that I am not in favor of doing this – using blog posts to build website content, and there are several reasons why.

  1. The tone of writing in a blog post is casual in nature. Blogs are written almost in the same language as a spoken conversation.
  2. Blog posts are not typically considered “unique content”. Most blog posts are a commentary on something else that has appeared on the Web. Although the spin and actual writing may be unique in nature, for a website to build their content on this type of writing without significant additional authoritative research on their own topic is a concern.
  3. There may be possible copyright infringement issues on blog post content for very high profile sites. When the entire content of a website is from blog posts which are commentary on other articles found on the web, the parent site may be setting itself up potentially for a copyright infringement suit. Especially if the site becomes very popular or has a very high profile.
  4. Blogs typically heavily link to articles on the web and other websites. Numerous outbound links from the main content of as site is not an approach that we take in today’s changing world of search engine optimization. A very judicious policy of outbound linking should be the normal practice for website’s that are going after organic placement.

Clearly from a business stand point blog writing is usually cheaper – a whole lot cheaper – than employing a web copywriter to write website content and so we are seeing a rise in interest in using blog posts for website content. From my viewpoint, the potential legal problems and loss of authoritative message are not a good trade off for the money that might be saved on quality website content copywriting in the overall big picture.

Posting to Your Blog Using Email

This post is done using HTML formatting in my email client and emailed directly to Blogger to save time posting. If you have not tried this feature, you may want to enable it in the control panel and check it out.

What I have found is that it may actually be easier to do posting in this manner as Blogger does not yet have an automatic future blog publishing feature. The only thing to watch out for is line breaks. Push your enter key twice to make it look nice in your email and Blogger will interpret that as lots of extra spaces on your post.

One Last Test

Okay here is the bottom-line. If you use HTML as your email format, when you click enter, you will be making a line break. Click enter twice to leave a clear space on your email typing screen and you end up with too many line breaks in blogger. So it may be easier to work in text. However, if you want to add a hyperlink then text will not allow you to create the hyperlink and it will not be hot in your text when uploaded to Blogger.

Now I am trying removing the link field on my blog to see what happens to my title of my post. If I do not hyperlink my post title, it is too small for my liking and so I am now testing the change here as well.