Test of HTML Emailing of Blog Posts

Here is my test post sent via email using HTML as the format.

I have already deleted one test but have found that spacing in using HTML may be a problem. It may be best to send your post in plain text. But one criteria may be a link in the content. Here is a link to my website to see how a link turns out in text – www.McCordWeb.com.

Emailing Your Posts To Your Blog Text Version

Blogger has great features and I like the blog platform better than most,
but one this I wish they had is auto-publishing.

In WordPress and Typepad you can set a post to publish at a date in the
future which is a very nice feature for a professional blogger such as
myself. I have decided to do several tests of the Blogger system that you
can review online using the “mail to your blog” feature in an effort to be
able to make blogging easier. This post I have sent to Blogger via email and
formatted my message as plain text. Take a careful look and see if you see
any flaws in font and spacing based on our other posts.

My next post will be sent as an html emailed post so we can review the
difference. I will also be clocking the time it takes Blogger to post my
emailed blog. Right now I am finishing my post and it is 6:55 AM Eastern

Blogging Can Improve Your Website’s Organic Placement

Well, the research is in, our analysis complete, and our white paper on “The Tangible Benefits of Blogging” is nearly ready to publish. We have done a very unique case study on two sites with the identical content and everything, one blogs and one does not. The site that blogs beats the site that does not blog in the SERPs (organic results) hands down.

Now we’re ready to do more research on this point to be able to definitively state that blogging helps your organic search engine placement, but for now, in one unique case study, it is clearly pointing in this direction. We have much more research on our other topics to prove traffic benefits, stickiness, and several other key points that website owners are interested in, but the topic of blogs and organic placement is a important one. Although it is important it is very difficult to prove. Which makes the case study that we do so important and interesting.

We will be publishing our white paper in our monthly e-newsletter, so you will want to click our blog post title and subscribe now so you’ll get first notice of our release.

The Tangible Benefits of Blogging

Click our post title now and subscribe to our e-newsletter. I am just a few days away from publishing my new white paper “The Tangible Benefits of Blogging”. This nine page PDF is a must read for any website owner. I have researched some case studies for over two years, set up this blog particularly for additional research and even evaluated the impact of blogging on organic search engine placement.

This is one great white paper! Right up there with our popular white paper evaluating Google AdWords and Yahoo Sponsored Search. In our newest white paper, you will walk away with hard documented research evaluating traffic, site stickiness, web visibility and much more.

After I publish the white paper, I will be focusing on my one blog Web-World Watch and posting less frequently here. I have personally found that it is hard to keep up with two blogs and have a thriving web business. So please allow me to point you to my main blog for more information.

I’m sure that I will test things out periodically on this blog just for blogging, but Web-World Watch is my top trafficked blog and where the thrust of my efforts are posted. I invite you to visit and book mark Web-World Watch.