Blog Content Writing

I have found that the most engaging style for blogging is in the first person. As we perform ghost blogging services for many clients nationwide, I’ve seen all type of client preferences.

Some clients want purely dry informational blogs, some want how to’s, some want personal information and personal interest stories, and some want no links to their website and talk about their services.

From all the blogs I review and conferences with clients, I think that the best approach is good content with a gentle plus back to the owner’s website once a week. The most engaging posts are the ones that offer something real – a point a view, a real tip and are not a redux of information that is posted somewhere else on the Web.

As a blog reader as well as a blog writer yes, you can over do selling yourself on your blog and turn people off, but you can occasionally point out the services that you provide and link back to your own website. That makes perfect sense.

Police and Sherriffs Are Watching the Web

I know this for a fact as I was told by a Sheriff that Charles County Maryland officers are watching the Web. In fact this officer told me that they were actively monitoring MySpace sites and YouTube for videos of teens breaking the law.

The officer went farther to tell me that if they find a video where your teen is breaking the law, they can actually ticket your teen for up to one year after the video had been posted and even prosecute them for the offense. If someone is injured, there is no time limitation. Even if the video is removed by your teen, YouTube and MySpace still have a record of it and they can request it through the County Attorney’s Office!

If your teen is loading videos to MySpace and YouTube as mine is, it is very important that you as the parent review what they are loading. My teen had loaded videos of himself driving fast, and I mean really fast. Foolish, yes, life threatening yes. This is how I know what the Police and Sheriffs departments are doing, as I asked for help to intervene with my teen and instruct him in safe driving. Little did I know that I was potentially getting him into trouble to the tune of a $540 ticket and 5 points on his license.

The officer said he didn’t care if my son told his friends if it would stop reckless behavior and possible the death of a teen, it would be worth it. So my advice to you is to become aware of what your kids are posting starting in stealth mode. Then help them to understand their foolishness if you catch them and work actively to keep them safe.

It was bad enough for my teen to have consequences for his actions from his Dad and myself, but to have a possible traffic court record from a video is just really bad.

WordPress, Typepad, or Blogger

As professional ghost bloggers, my team has used all the blogging platforms. Out of all, WordPress, Typepad, and Blogger, my team and I like Blogger best.

Why is that you ask? Blogger is simple, easy to use, not overly complicated, and is fairy trouble and bug-free. I employ a variety of people as ghost bloggers, not all are computer geeks. Some are great writers but what I may call not technologically super-savvy either. WordPress and Typepad have categories, meta tags, and much more, but do not make it easy and fast for our bloggers to use. In fact in one case, the blogger had to install Firefox on their computer just to be able to add tags in the WordPress interface. Tags won’t be saved when input with IE – not sure why there is this bug, but for a nearly technologically challenged excellent writer, this was and continues to be a big issue.

Typepad, we find not as simple nor as powerful as blogger. It is not easy to add a picture or to use the interface as the write and click Blogger interface. Where we have situations where clients sometime blog as well with us, simple and easy is extremely important. Blogger is just that. You have a post screen type your stuff, add a label at the bottom, spell check and you’re done.

Hotmail Easier Than Yahoo Mail Beta

My Mom is just now trying to understand email and I really needed to find the simplest yet most powerful email client available to assist her. Our parents generation is technologically challenged. Some people my parents age have jumped on email as a way to connect with kids and grandchildren and others have really hit a brick wall and refused to embrace the technology that keeps them connected to others.

So, based on that what is unequivocally the easiest email application for the technologically challenged. Hotmail has the others beat hands down. For my Mom to try to even explain how to use Outlook Express and set up a mail download is way complicated. So I decided to set up an online mail service that she could check from any where, but it had to be simple.

My sister said, get Yahoo beta mail, it’s great, but oh boy for the technologically challenged, the interface is way complicated. Enter Hotmail. Super simple, clean, no clutter, intuitive controls, super easy configuration, one click actions and voila, my Mom is using email.

So if you have a parent, friend, grandparent, aunt, or uncle who needs to embrace the information age, try Hotmail first. What seems so incredibly simple to those of us who use the computer every day is like rocket science to others.

One sidebar on this, I found that I needed to even take time to instruct my Mom on how to use the mouse. As you help your relative, you may want to make sure that you cover this simple yet very important step, they may not even know to ask.