Do You Own Your Blog Content

If you are employing a ghost blogger for your blog, you should ask “do I own my content?” You may or you may not. This may be a hot topic for some clients and for some ghost bloggers, but it is important to know what ownership rights you really have.

Currently we do not retain rights on our blogging content when we do it for others, we consider it a work for hire, but that may change.

What are your doing with your ghost blogging content do you license it, sell it outright, or retain ownership?

Best Practices on Content

It should be said that there really is a best practice to quoting content on the Web. If you did not know it already, all content on the Web is covered by copyright laws.

One can not simply copy an article in entirety and then paste it into a blog or web page even with credit to the original author. One can copy one or two paragraphs, quote it, and then link to the full article on the original author’s website, but to copy and paste the full article into your own web page on your own website is a big no-no.

Unique content on your website and blog are important. There is simply no way around copyright laws or taking the time to create good content.

We routinely check to make sure that our content is protected and properly documented and linked back to our site on the Web. If you were not aware, there are even free online services that will scan the Web for content that matches your own pages. Don’t get yourself in trouble needlessly, make sure that you are following the best practice when it comes to content.

Google Algorithm Change This Past Week

I follow SitePro News. This is super e-newsletter. You can get the feed by clicking our post title. In the recent newsletter a very savvy author was speaking about the algorithm change on Google that just started this Thursday.

In the article, he mentions that Google has created a trust factor that is placing site’s with older domains preferentially above new domains. He also mentions changes in the weighting of PageRank shown on the green bar on the Google Toolbar or within the Google Sitemap control panel and also inbound links.

Clearly in the next several days we will continue to see a shakedown and mix up in the index. Are all of these changes good things? Well to scrap the PageRank indicator in the Google Toolbar is a good thing. PageRank has been an area that can be gamed by search engine optimizers and so to get rid of that I personally feel is a good thing. It appears that TrustRank may be the next big factor and this may be a better indicator of real value of a site and therefor a strong indicator of good organic search placement.

Although this newsletter is not online yet on the SitePro News site, when it is in the next several days, it is a must read. The title is “Google Algorithm Update Analysis” and is written by Dave Davies. You may not agree with everything that he has to say, but if you have been following the various Google patent disclosures over the last several months to one year, what he says makes sense based on the technology that Google has been actively patented.

From my viewpoint all of this information just reaffirms that excellent and unique content on your website is important. If you take time to create and build a great site, it should not stop when you launch, new content, a blog, an e-newsletter that are done on a regular basis build new content and authority over time.

There is no quick fix for great organic site placement on search engines, but once it is achieved, you have hit a tipping point and your business and market presence increases dramatically because of it. So specifically working to improve organic placement is crucial for all growing businesses.

New Community Blogging

A new trend that I am seeing is community blogging. You may say, that’s old hat, but not with this special twist.

I am seeing blog vendors selling a community concept to mortgage bankers and real estate agents and firms. These power blogs are really like 50 to 150 blogs all rolled into one and with the site owners, advertising message as the real focus to drive business to their own website and create authority in their community. Based on that, it is a novel approach.

What the site owner does is to blog to set up the site with great content. Typically professional ghost bloggers are involved. Categories are set up in numerous business areas. Posts are focused on the community and events in an effort to draw in more participants. Business owners are solicited by the blog owner to blog about their business and services. There are no charges for these business owners to post. The blog owner is hoping that they will be prolific. Not only will the business owners business benefit, but the blog owner is benefiting by more traffic coming in from search engines and being exposed to their own marketing message.

The real thrust is to develop authority on the web for the community, typically a county by name, and to then soft sell the blog owners services and garner top search engine placement.

This is an incredibly savvy approach and one we are bound to see more of. Click our post title to visit the Maccomb County Voice which is just one of the blogs out there in this particular genre. As you review this blog, you will see that when worked properly the site become self propelled and becomes a legitimate voice and sounding board for the entire community from schools, attorneys, beauty salons, real estate agents, to restaurants, and special event announcements. This is a sweet deal for the real estate firm or attorney who is sponsoring the blog and so getting credit for creating an online community to benefit all.