I have a love hate relationship with the content networks on the various pay per click vehicles. I love content for helping to establish a new brand or give company identity. But I hate to pay a lot for clicks in content because they typically do not convert at a high rate.
So it is good news for me that Yahoo Sponsored Search has decided to change the way that it prices clicks in content. Now Yahoo will assign a value to a website for content clicks based on conversion rates. This may actually end up giving content a good name, well eventually.
What Yahoo has done has assigned a cost per click value to content on a site by site basis. This is bad news for Yahoo Publishers, but good news for advertisers. Why pay the same amount per click in content for JoeBlow.com versus WebMD.com?
Over time this may change the way that I personally feel about enabling content in a program, but for now, I consider it good news, but I am not ready to turn content on again just yet.