Blog From Microsoft Word in Office 2007

Blogger had originally released a download for this in 2005, but just couldn’t get it to work. Now Office 2007 is supposed to let you be able to do that. I do not have Office 2007, but will soon and will let you know after I take it for a whirl.

I don’t typically use Word to compose my blogs, but some do. I prefer the Blogger control panel, but I do know of clients and our own ghost blogger who would really prefer to blog in Word.

Currently if you write your blog in Word and then try to paste it into the Blogger interface, you get funny characters, spacing problems, and headaches that you have to correct in the HTML of the post.

It will be interesting to see if this new Office 2007 add on will solve those problems.

Google Releases New Webmaster Guidelines

Click our post title to see a clickable list of the new items that Google has release today in its Webmaster Guidelines section.

Of note it the mention of WebPosition Gold. Using this product now violates Google’s terms of service. Google has also really spelled out details for duplicate content, affiliates sites, printer friendly page versions, loading keywords in link title tags and image alt tags, and many other important issues. If you are in the business, you really need to take a few seconds and make sure that you are up-to-date.

One thing that I would like to point out that I am seeing that clearly Google will be looking for is the use of false anchor tags in text. The use of this technique may get your site banned from Google as it really falls into the category of hidden text. In several cases on sites that I webmaster that have been optimized by other firms this is a technique that is used. The anchor goes no where, but allow keyword stuffing in the source code. Another trick that I have seen that is sure to give you problems is to include in html comments bogus links to websites that the domain contains your keywords, and I don’t mean one link or two, I mean like 50 links in one commented section.

Be careful, make sure that your site is being webmastered by a reputable firm to assure that this tricks that Google has clearly identified and is targeting for dropping from their index is not being used on your website.

Widget World WOW

Take a peak at some of the things that I have added to my blog today at Blog-World Watch.

I’ve added a sun clock, a cat that follows your mouse, and a blidget of my blog in the side bar. These are all from

If you have not visited this site, I have to tell you that you really must. It is so very cool and so very easy to add things to your blog. If you are using Blogger Blogspot then you can add the items to your layout very easily. If you are FTP blogging like this blog Web-World Watch, then you can add them to posts as you can not add them to the side bar or page template. You can even make a blidget, see my side bar on Blog-World Watch, with your own blog.

Oh I also forgot another thing. Take a look at the feed slide show that I did to while you are there. You can add three feeds and then have them show the posts in random rotation.WidgetBox is a very cool site. I do not know how they do what they do, but I will certainly be looking closer. :0)

Widget World WOW

Take a peak at some of the things that I have added to my blog today. I’ve added a sun clock, a cat that follows your mouse, and a blidget of my blog in the side bar. These are all from

If you have not visited this site, I have to tell you that you really must. It is so very cool and so very easy to add things to your blog. If you are using Blogger Blogspot then you can add the items to your layout very easily. If you are FTP blogging like my other blog Web-World Watch, then you can add them to posts as you can not add them to the side bar or page template.

You can even make a blidget, see my side bar, with your own blog. Oh I also forgot another thing. Take a look at the feed slide show that I did. You can add three feeds and then have them show the posts in random rotation.

WidgetBox is a very cool site. I do not know how they do what they do, but I will certainly be looking closer. :0)