Get Started Fast With News Feeds

For those of you who are logging into my blog to read the news, I am here to tell you, my content can be delivered to you at your My Yahoo, My AOL, My Live Page, or My Google page. Just click the post title to view our 12 page visual PDF presentation on how to get going with RSS/XML feeds and never have to log into my blog again to see my content.

Oh, I will miss you :0) but if you are not actively reviewing news feeds and blogs online using a portal, you are missing the efficiency that they afford to read a lot of news in small bites and then only click in to a site when you want to.

Here is the direct link to the visual guide:

In this PDF you will see visually how to set up a My Yahoo account, auto-subscribe to a feed using a one-click icon, how to subscribe to a feed by grabbing the feed URL and where to enter this on My Yahoo. I think it will make it easy for you to get going fast.

As for me, I have made it easy for you to subscribe, just click the link in the right bar and you can choose to auto subscribe or snatch the feed address. Either way, I may never see you here again, but I’ll see you on your My Yahoo page!

Google AdWords Compared to Yahoo Sponsored Search

You’ll want to click our blog post title to download our newly updated Google AdWords Compared to Yahoo! Sponsored Search White Paper.

This 8 page white paper contains detailed case study analysis and recent updates to include the new Yahoo Panama interface and first quarter 2007 client case studies. You will need to share your email address with us to download the paper. This will subscribe you to our monthly e-newsletter, but you can easily unsubscribe if you don’t like your first newsletter issue.

Google AdWords Compared to Yahoo Sponsored Search

You’ll want to click our blog post title to download our newly updated Google AdWords Compared to Yahoo! Sponsored Search White Paper.

This 8 page white paper contains detailed case study analysis and recent updates to include the new Yahoo Panama interface and first quarter 2007 client case studies. You will need to share your email address with us to download the paper. This will subscribe you to our monthly e-newsletter, but you can easily unsubscribe if you don’t like your first newsletter issue.

Syndicate Your Blog

So you’ve got your blog going and are really working hard at creating great content, what’s next? Use your website to become your blog syndication tool.

We have several things that we have done to help syndicate our content and want to share them with you.

First make sure to install chicklets and easy subscribe buttons on your blog.

Second make sure to have a syndication page on your website pointing to your blog and your various news feeds. Here’s our page We also list our clients blog feeds and allow easy one click subscription.

Third consider a script generator. Here’s ours We use FeedrollPro as our application. It is a subscription based tool, but allows for webmasters to style your feed to match their site and to syndicate your content. I do get site click-ins with this vehicle so I know that using this technique works to spread the word about your blog.

So get serious about your blog and then get busy promoting your blog through very easy syndication.