New Things For Real Estate Happening on Google Base

If you haven’t checked out Google Base lately I am telling you that you should. Google Base has been adding some really neat things in the last several weeks.

First you can now add your entire store database to Google Base and show your products not only in Froogle with one feed, but in Google AdWords. And now Google Base is targeting real estate agents, brokers, IDX suppliers, and MLS search engines.

If you are an agent or broker, you can create or have created for you a Google Base feed that contains a database of sorts of your listings. You can do this manually one by one or create a text file or XML file and upload with one click all your listings.

The only problem that I see right now is that listings only last 14 days at this point, so it means that you really need to update your feed once a week and reload it at least every week and one half to be sure that your listings don’t fall out. Hopefully Google will fix that aspect soon.

In the meantime, it may be an opportunity for you to get more exposure for your listings in a very cost effective manner. Personally due to the time to create a feed and to maintain it, if I were an agent or broker I would be pushing my IDX supplier to embrace this technology and do the heavy lifting for me and let them absorb the costs. But for tech savvy agents and brokers, this may be a neat way to stay on top of the game before the IDX and MLS suppliers get with the program.

If you do decide to invest the time and resources to do a feed for Google Base, it would be incredibly smart to market this as a perk to your clients that not only do you now give them MLS exposure, but all listings appear on Google Maps, Google AdWords and in the Google search index when you use Google Base. Using the power of Google you can leverage more real estate exposure for yourself and your clients with Google Base.

Our April Newsletter is Out

Our April newsletter is out. Click in and check out our special topics. In this issue I showcase how to create special bookmarks on your My Places bar for Microsoft Office applications, our new Quick Launch website for Fire with Fire, and review Google Audio ads.

It’s short and sweet, you’ll learn something new guaranteed!

Google AdWords Pay For Action Invitation

Want to try out Google AdWord’s new pay for action program? Here’s a link to sign up for the beta testing.

You can select to pay when you get a lead, a sale, or some particular action on your website. You pay what you want for the action. Remember this only applies to certain websites in the content network.

Pay for action may be just right for you. We are testing it with a mortgage company and will let you know what happens.

MySpace vs. FaceBook, the Face-Off

Hi, my name is Chris and I am going to post to Web-World Watch for a few days. Nancy is my Mom and she has asked me to write about some of the cool things on the Web that I really like. So here’s my face off between Facebook and MySpace.

MySpace has been the leading personal info site for about two years now and they finally have some competition.

This new site, FaceBook, is another site that has recently started to be noticed by people. It is also a personal info site for the things that MySpace used to be used for such as dating, friends, networking and serious relationships.

FaceBook seems to be aimed towards an older crowd since it doesn’t have the same layout features that MySpace has. Some of the features that I like about My Space are as the background layouts, being able to put songs on your page to reflect the kind of music you like, and many other things that drew kids and teenagers into MySpace.

Although MySpace was originally created to help underground music artists to become noticed. It was quickly picked up by single persons as a means of expression and group communication as well as even the high school crowd.

Now many people are making two accounts one for MySpace and one for FaceBook just to keep up with all their friends. Some people like Facebook better because not everyone was into the flash appearance of MySpace and just wanted a simple page to reveal things about themselves for others to know and to meet new people.

Personally I like MySpace better. I like the ability to customize my layout, get music, and backgrounds. I find Facebook too sterile and not interactive enough. But hey that is just my personal preference.