This is Big News! Finally Know Your Google AdWords Quality Score

Oh, this is so great! I am totally excited! Google AdWords has just released that by week’s end they will be adding a quality score rating in Google AdWords accounts by keyword.

The quality score has always been a real factor for Google AdWords accounts and now finally we are going to get some real direction from AdWords on quality score problems. Before we just had to guess what our score was and to try to guess why certain keywords were disabled from search. Now as professional account manager we will at least have some real information from Google on how they see our program. That is great news.

In addition to changes in transparency on the quality score, Google has announced that it is changing the landing page algorithm and is also changing its ratings on “virgin keywords”. This is also great news. Watch for all of these changes in the next several weeks and the new quality score indicator by the end of this week.

Want Top Organic Search Engine Placement?

If you want top organic search engine placement, then you absolutely must use the tool that we use. Click our blog post title to view this neat online tool that is instrumental in getting good search engine organic placement. It is a keyword density tool.

Now the real trick comes in to just how much density on your keywords do you need to have. Well if you need to move up in the SERPs you should be looking for 5 to 7% density on your chosen narrow keywords. Google and MSN like about 3% at this point, so I might hedge to be around 5% at this point. You know we don’t want to spam the engines do we? It used to be that 7% was my benchmark, but I am seeing more chatter on this topic in the professional forums and I think that I will personally be striving for about 5% or so at this point.

Easy? Well go ahead and try to write readable content that looks good, sounds good, and makes sense to a reader all the while catering to the search engines. It is tough, it is a craft, and it is an art. So take this nugget and see what you can do now for your site.

Google’s Got a New Patent Disclosure Out

Google is on a roll. Here’s a link to another new patent that Google is working to get on content discernment. I have not read the full patent disclosure yet, but it appears that Google working to identify content and assign it an Agent Rank and assign an authority rating based on the author. Well, that is it in a nutshell in very simplistic terms.

There has never been a more important time than to become an expert in your own field using your website to disseminate information about your area of business and to keep your clients and readers up-to-date with information using a blog, RSS news feed, and e-newsletters archived on your website. Doing this will establish you as an authority in your marketplace and provide value to your readers.

In the past four months, this will be the second patent disclosure from Google that I have read. The earlier disclosure had to do with identifying duplicated content across websites and identifying which website should be the one to receive top ranking as more authoritative. Now we have a disclosure to identify how authoritative a writer is on the web. These two patent appear to dovetail very nicely with each other.

You can click our blog post title and read the full patent disclosure. It I glean any additional information today, I will post it here tomorrow.

The Face of Search Engine Optimization Has Changed

The art of search engine optimization has changed significantly in the last two to three years, and now it has changed again thanks to Google’s personalized results.

These used to be the tactics that worked for search engine placement:

  1. Insert keywords into comment tags
  2. Insert keywords into image alt tags
  3. Build reciprocal links with other sites more=better
  4. Bold keyword text on your page
  5. Create a good title tag
  6. Have a good meta description and loads of meta keywords
  7. Use keywords in h1 and h2 tags

Out of that list the tactics that will really work now are:

  1. Create a good title tag
  2. Have a good meta description Use keywords in h1 and h2 tags
  3. Strive for a good keyword density on your content pages
  4. Work to have excellent content and offer information that will benefit your readers
  5. Have a blog on your site to keep your content fresh and targeted

It is amazing to me that some people still think that keywords stuffed inside comment tags still work. In fact it does not and Google will penalize you for the use. (Been there done that.) Interesting that a very high-powered Flash designer told me he is using this tactic when we talked about the trouble with his Flash websites placing organically. I do not recommend doing this at all; this is old news.

With personalized search being a default now for Google on the Web, content and I mean good content, is more than important it is crucial. Many of the techniques previously used will not work now to get good site placement.

The face of optimization is changing and now is the time to do your research and change your style and tactics to move your site forward using strong time-tested strategies that really work.