Preferred Blogging Frequency

A blog is not a blog if you never update it. From my experience the best scenario is to update your blog daily and at the minimum three days a week. Blogging one day a week or just several times a month will add content to your blog but will never create the return on your time investment that regular blogging will.

I know this from personal experience. I have blogged for years on my own blog. In late 2007 and early 2008 I have some blog personnel issues, one of my blogger’s father was in a slow decline and I ended up with some very serious blog coverage issues. I needed to blog for my writer on a regular basis but typically without any advance notice. As a result, my own blog suffered. I posted infrequently or sporadically. I saw my blog readership drop from nearly 40% of my website to under 5%. I saw a huge crash in my website traffic that was very concerning.

It has taken over eight months of consistent blogging, without fail, to rebuild my blog base of regular commenter’s, blog visitor traffic, and website traffic. It was very hard work and it was slow to regain what I have built and then lost.

Blog visitors will typically not come back to revisit a blog that is half heartedly maintained. I know I don’t. So if you want to get into the blog game, make the commitment to a minimum of three days a week and stick with it. Your traffic will build and your blog and website will benefit both.

Some People Should Not Be Bloggers

Well, some people should not be bloggers and although painful for some to hear, it is the truth. I work with developing new blog writing talent all the time and know this to be a fact.

In fact, even more than that, not all good writers will be good bloggers. Some of our blog writers are making an excellent living being professional bloggers. We have some writers who are making around $2,000 a month just writing for blogs in addition to having a full time regular job. That being said there are even more web writers and aspiring writers who want to be bloggers and many simply do not have what it takes.

This is what it takes to be a good professional blogger:

  1. Ability to write on nearly any topic.
  2. Ability to write quickly or to set time limits on research and writing time to stay profitable.
  3. Innate creativity and ability to turn a phrase to make a somewhat dull topic interesting and to draw the reader in.
  4. Excellent proofreading skills.
  5. Strong working knowledge of proper grammar.
  6. Knowledge of how to find writing topics using Google News and
  7. Versatility in regards to writing tone and style. Some clients need a more chatty type blog post and others need pure informational or reviews.
  8. Desire to improve and work on their writing craft and not sensitive about constructive criticism.
  9. Dependability, posting at noon means just that not 12:10 or 3:00 PM.
  10. Ability to write for many topics within the same day and to become an expert on many topics quickly through a questioning mind.

Many bloggers I have tried or interviewed have one or several of these attributes, but many with a great style can only write with a personal point of view and so can never write informational pieces. Others only want to write on things they already know about, and still others don’t understand dependability or being on time.

It takes a combination of qualities from my list of ten to make the perfect blogger, but if you have them, you may be able to make an excellent income blogging as a job to supplement your regular job just like some of our writers.

What It’s Like Being A New Blogger.

Being a new blogger is not as easy as I thought it would be. It’s just like writing for my college professors every thing has to be perfect. I thought it was going to be easy when I heard I only had to write between 200 and 300 words. I was like wow, no biggy. But after the first couple topics, I found it was very hard to come up with ideas you know a lot about and are easy to write on. Now, there is research involved and it can at times quite a while.

Also, I have trouble keeping up with the blogs. It’s hard to get myself to write them sometimes, and I know the deadline is around the corner but I just can’t bring myself to write. It’s like gah, I have this blog to do but I don’t have any ideas at the moment. I’ll just wait until later. This is not good, if you do this you have a very good chance of missing your deadline.

I was so eager to blog in the first place because Mrs. McCord made it all look so easy. So, if you are interested in bloggers, McCord Web Services has three levels of service Pearl, Topaz, and Diamond. If you want to learn more about these services check out their website.

New Blog Highlighted

My blog team has just started posting on this new blog and I wanted to share it with you today.

Cremation Options Blog

This brand new blog is being written for search engine placement purposes in an effort to try to boost organic placement on cremation keywords. Although the focus is about organic placement on the client’s end, our writing is information and interesting. Even if you don’t have a special pre-planning need for a cremation, you may still want to click in to check out the posts and quality of writing.

There is just about no topic that our writers cannot blog on. Well, we have found a few to be honest, but most topics we can put an appropriate positive spin on with excellent creative writing that will create great content for readers and search engines.