The New Must Haves for Every Business Owner

It used to be that if a business did not advertise in the Yellow Pages, you were out of the game.,Now there are new “must haves” for business owners to consider to be a part of our new “connected” global business marketplace. These new “must haves” are a blog, a Facebook presence, and a Twitter account.

If you look at each of the three items I mentioned, they have one thing in common, they allow a connection with users who want information fast and to connect with and interact with the real you versus reading  a brochure-like website. It is important to note that I am assuming that you have a website already by this point. If you don’t have even that, then instant remediation is needed quickly.

The Web has changed our world and how we do business drastically, but social networking is now changing how we interact on the Web with each other. So let’s talk about these three important components briefly and why you should have each.

There are so many SEO benefits that are derived from blogging that to not now have an on domain blog puts you at a competitive disadvantage. As a blog is written in a more conversational style and allows for comments it is a wonderful way to start interacting with prospects and get tangible organic search benefits at the same time.

Facebook Presence
Facebook has gotten so big that you just cannot be using it at this point in time. It is like how a  website was considered a few years ago. If you didn’t have one you weren’t in the game. This is the same now with Facebook. Many businesses will start out with a personal profile, as I did myself, and then move to expand interaction through a Facebook Fan Page. Whichever direction you take it’s important to get in the game at this point. Recently, Facebook even eclipsed Google in user activity. Facebook  is a huge sleeping giant that can be harnessed to drive traffic, interact with customers, find prospects, and share information about yourself and your business. When Facebook finally figures out how to monetize itself properly the returns will be huge.

I have gotten quite a bit of business from Facebook over this last year and that was just from my personal profile. I have sold and closed a several thousand dollar custom website project, and in the last two weeks alone, I have gotten a new ghost blogging client and a press release client. So, if you take the attitude that Facebook has too much “fluff” and is just full of games, think again. Serious business is being done through Facebook interaction.

Twitter has grown tremendously in popularity with 300,000 new users each month and over 10 million using Twitter already. This application has potential written all over it. Twitter is not about spamming others with what you sell, but about interaction, answering questions, providing information, and sharing information. It is not as rich as an interactive environment as Facebook, but its viral marketing potential is stronger than that of Facebook.

Big business has flocked to Twitter. Say anything in Twitter about Kohls, and a real person will direct message you. Say you have a problem on Twitter about Network Solutions, and a real person will chat you up to make sure that all is well. Using mentions and search queries you can monitor what is being said about your business on Twitter and interact with others with similar interests. Twitter is growing so fast that it makes sense to get in “before the curve” and not “after the curve”.

I am always watching for the next big thing to check it out for our own business and our clients early. I’ll let you know a secret, the next big thing I’m watching is being tested by Google Labs in India. It is SMS Channels. This new application allows you to set up a channel of content and allow subscribers to receive your information directly to their mobile phone. That should be a biggy. I’ll let you know when it comes to the US.

Make Sure You Have a WordPress Backup Application

This last week a client that I help on occasion who has one of the highest traffic blogs that I have seen lost his MySQL database that runs his WordPress blog. The crash was devastating to his blog and to his business. What is even worse is that he did not have a recent backup of his blog post; lost were 6 months of blog posts and comments.

To prevent this from happening to you, I recommend that every WordPress owner install a WordPress plug-in called WP-DB-Backup. This simple to use and configure blog post database backup allows you to email yourself a backup of your blog posts in MySQL format on a schedule you select.

I routinely backup my blog posts weekly and recommend that all clients and WordPress users do the same. Although you can tell the application to store your backup on your web server, I like the additional security of saving the backup to my own hard disk.

Just make sure that once you install the plug-in that you review it to make sure that your folder is writable. You will access the plug-in control panel from your WordPress “Tools” navigation link. If the directory location is not writable, you will need to correct that to use the plug-in.

Although you may never have a situation when you will need your backup, what if you even do. Will you be wishing you had a backup plan in place like the client I mentioned in the first paragraph or will you be able to get back up and running quickly only losing a day or two of blog posts?

Do Double Duty With Your Blog Posts

If you have a blog writer or are writing for your own blog, it is time to “think outside the box” when it comes to using your content. Here are just a few of my suggestions. Now before you start though, if you pay a writer to write for your blog, you must make sure you have the rights to use your blog content in the ways I am suggesting.

1. For well received blog posts consider taking them and posting them on Google Knoll or American Chronicle as well as a few well chosen article syndication sites. Your blog posts should be at least 275 to 300 words long and should not be just on selling your own products and services.

2. Consider using your best blog posts as content for a quarterly e-newsletter. Choose the posts you really like or check your website statistics to see which blog posts got the most traffic then consider expounding on that topic further in your e-newsletter. As many blog readers will not be e-newsletter subscribers and vice versa you are pretty safe with reusing some content, just try to add fresh ideas to your newsletter as well.

3. If you’ve had great traffic with a blog post think on maybe paying your blog writer to do a mini whitepaper on the same topic that you can offer as a free download on your website. Better yet provide the download only after you have gotten the readers email address to start creating your own list for your own marketing uses.

There are lots of ways you can creatively re-use your content, but just make sure you have the proper rights to do so before you start.

WordPress – Ready to Go Checklist

So you’ve decided to start a blog. That’s great, I feel that blogging is one of the best ways to build “web authority” for search engines and improve your “web visibility”. I personally prefer an installation of WordPress installed under your own domain name, but what else should you do to make sure that your blog gets started on the right foot?

1. Make sure you link to your new blog from your main website. I like it best when you incorporate links to your blog in your main website navigation. If you can’t do that, create a button to go to your blog and position it prominently on every page or incorporate a link to your blog in your website footer.

2. Make sure you link your blog to your website. This is usually done in WordPress by creating a Blogroll. Typically I will include links to the main website, the contact page, and other important pages in the main website in the Blogroll. I do not typically link to outside sites in the WordPress blog roll. Additionally I like to position the Blogroll near the top of the column where it resides. Remember this is the navigation to your main website and you want to feed visitors there.

3. Make sure to enable your Blogroll and archive links on all pages of your blog. Don’t defeat this important navigation by installing this important feature on just the home page. All separate blog pages, archive, and tag pages should include these navigation elements.

4. Add items to your sidebars to make it easy for users to find what they need on your blog. Make sure to enable important features on all your blog pages such as archives, recent posts, recent comments, calendar of posts, and tagcloud. You can check out my own left and right blog sidebars to see what I personally consider important and where these items should be placed.

5. Use plug-ins to make your blog effective and easy to maintain. I always use the SEO All in One Pack plug-in. Additionally some of my favorites are: the Google sitemap creator, WordPress database backup, and Feedburner implementation. Additionally don’t forget to install Google Analytics or your web tracking script in your blog template.

If you follow my checklist above, and review all new plug-in configuration options you will be ready to go. Got a question, just click comments below and let me know and I’ll try to respond to each one.