My firm manages over $3 million yearly in Google Ad spend for clients. As a result, my team sees how the impact of Google expanded ads and responsive text ads have changed control of the ad message.
It used to be that using dynamic keyword insertion by inserting code like this {KeyWord: Default Ad Message Here} allowed ads to become more relevant. Google would insert your own keyword phrases in the {} and make the ad appear customized.
However, now with Google slicing and dicing the ad text you now create by mixing up one, two, or three headlines combined with or without two sets of descriptive text, the message is no longer really controlled by you. The ad text the end users now see is all based on AI putting pieces together for you and then rendering new ads based on device and relevancy. Sounds good right? Not always. Add then into the mix dynamic keyword insertion and it is starting to feel like you’ve lost control over the message you want to put out to generate clicks.
Even worse add in the new responsive text ads where you enter in six or more headlines and up to 6 descriptions and the combinations are now nearly endless.
As a result, we are starting to remove dynamic keyword insertion code or using it very judiciously and on only certain accounts where it may still make sense.
If you need help from the professionals who really know Google Ads, I invite you to visit our website to learn more about our Google Partner credentials and our management program.