OneDrive Versus Google Drive for Remote Teamwork – Who Wins?


Image of file folders
Working remotely on files is easy with OneDrive or Google Drive

I employ a number of tech specialists and interact daily with them to task them, pass files, give directions, load files, and pick up completed files. This allows me to easily expand my workforce, utilizing quality team members, that are not located in my same city.

I have tried a number of tools to stay connected and help them perform effectively for me. Two applications that I have really taken head to head have been Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive. I actually use both, but here’s how they stack up for my needs and what I have found I like about each one.

Ease of Use:  Winner – OneDrive
In working with non-tech savvy employees who just really need to get to work and don’t want to take a lot of time to understand a system – OneDrive wins.

Although Google Drive can work for some staffers, the learning curve may require real hands on. The issue of setting up sharing, figuring out if they can save your file, having to turn the Google docs file into an Office compatible file are simply stumbling blocks for some in my remote workforce.

Integration with Your Desktop: One Drive – Google Drive a Tie
I love that when I install both programs, they automatically integrate into my file tree in Microsoft’s File Explorer. It is super simple to pull files out, load them in, and synching is automatic to your entire staff once set up.

Easy Set Up: Winner – Google Drive
As for easy setup, both are pretty easy, but Google Drive I think is easier. You simple send an invite to a Google account email address and then right click on the user to assign them properties of what they can use. OneDrive is pretty easy, but not quite as simple as Google Drive.

Features: Winner OneDrive
If all you need is file sharing and transferring, both OneDrive and Google Drive will do the job, but if you need remote access, integration with your team calendar, integrated instant messaging, and Skype, I personally like OneDrive.

Working on the Same File: Winner Google Drive
This is actually the only issue I have found I wish OneDrive would improve on where Google Drive has OneDrive beat. Two people can work on the same file at the same time. That can’t happen in OneDrive. If two do, OneDrive will make two copies of the file and it is up to you to decide which one to keep. My team and I just know on really important files when we can access them – we time share or I pull files out of a workbook, have my team work on the pulled out files and then when done overwrite my master file.

Both may be worth your while to try out. You can download One Drive here:

You can download Google Drive here: