Google Puts Exact Match Domains In Their Scope


Exact Match Domains 101

Have you seen these types of domain names:;; These are called exact match domain names and in many cases the site owner has simply optimized the content for search engines as an SEO doorway to another website or for AdSense ad use. Google has rolled out an algorithm update in the past month and one half that directly deals with these type of domain names and it has the webmaster world screaming!It is true that previously placement in the organic search results could be delivered by using a domain name that contained the exact keywords you wanted to place on and typically with the keywords separated by hyphens. It was just a smart, savvy approach to getting placement, but now, your site may be penalized for using an exact match domain.The key to all this is that if you are using an exact match domain and have LOW QUALITY content you will hit one of Google’s new filters and your placement WILL drop. If you have an exact match domain but you have quality unique content that is linkable and is your parent company website, you will probably not hit the filter. But make sure you have quality unique content!

If you feel that your marginal quality website came through this recent update unscathed, think again, Google may have missed your exact match domain site initially but has already stated that they will be rolling out updates and refinements to the algorithm update to additionally filter out sites it may have missed, so be forewarned.

The bottom-line is that Google is tightening the noose on SEO tactics for garnering free unpaid (organic) search placement. If you have a legitimate site with great content that has been created uniquely for you, if you blog, and if you actively work on improving your website every month, you will most likely never be impacted by these types of algorithm updates. Google is simply targeting the scammers, schemers, and scrapers. Actually Google’s activity benefits the legitimate businesses such as ourselves by filtering out the scrum and allowing sites like ours and our clients to become more visible.

Google Placement and Article Marketing

This is a very interesting video done by Matt Cutts Google’s voice to my industry on the topic of article marketing. It is a must watch for all website owners.

In this video Matt Cutts specifically states that Google does not give weight to links from article marketing but specifically articles that are low quality meaning they are 200 to 275 words long and then have the wording changed by using article spinning software and syndicated out on hundreds of websites.

In other videos, Matt does say that articles created for sites in your industry that are high quality and that you have clearly worked hard on and sweated a bit over will give you link juice.

The bottom-line is that articles can still work for you for link creation but not typically in the way that many have done before and certainly not with volume “spammy” syndication.

Google Aggressively Takes on Website Optimization as Web Spam Part II

Continued from Monday.

3. Lists of locations containing city or county names with keywords at the bottom of a web page used as a tactic for location specific placement has not been disavowed by Google as recently as the middle of October.  Google specifically addresses this tactic as keyword stuffing. Read more on this from Google.

4. Google is asking you to turn other sites in that are spamming their network or not playing by their guidelines. Here’s the reporting link: Considering many SEO tactics that would not be considered black hat at the time to now be grey hat, keyword stuffing or even web spam.

What I have found so very interesting with the recent changes and updates is that Google is now actively soliciting your help in turning in offending websites. By using an online form you can bring Google’s eyes onto your competitor’s website that has been practicing newly disavowed techniques to garner better placement. Although Google does not state that they will “smack down” a site you report, I surely would not want to be in their sites, would you?

Google Aggressively Takes on Website Optimization as Web Spam Part I

In the last thirty to sixty days Google has been changing and tweaking their algorithm and has also quietly been updating and changing its webmaster guidelines.  Here are just a few things that you should know just in case you missed them.

  1. New disavow link tool – not to be used lightly, this tool is to be used only after you have tried other removal protocols first, but using this tool will tell Google you do not want them to consider a particular site that is linking to you in their algorithm. More information from Google on this topic. Google continues to work to categorize inbound links weighting some heavier than others and penalizing website for certain types of links.
  2. Update to the webmaster guideline about links and other optimization tactics. Read the information from Google. What may be a concern to some is the use of CSS and possibly some uses of Spry widgets where some webmasters may have been hiding keyword dense text specifically for improved placement.

Come back on Wednesday to read the rest of the points in this article.