Social Media? Not Using It – Lose It

Not Using It? Lose It!
Not Using It? Lose It!

Social media is about connecting. One of my pet peeves is for business websites to have social media icons to various platforms, but they have not updated them for months or sometimes years.

My rule is, if you are not using it – lose it!

We all have our favorite social media accounts to use and some of us will use more than others, but if you are going to have the icon on your website, you should try to do one update a week and at the minimum of once a month. If you cannot keep on top of that consider farming out your social media updates to an employee or contactor.

When you are operating in a competitive market, social media interaction may be the one thing that helps differentiate you from your competitors. Especially if you are providing value to users in the things you are doing on social media.

It does not have to be difficult to keep your platforms updated. You can use an application like Hootsuite or Sendible to schedule, repeat, and save updates to reuse. In fact with Hootsuite, you can even send the same update to multiple profiles with one click.

Don’t make things hard for yourself, boost traffic and engage clients with the smart use of social media.


Is there Still a Place for Social Media in Your Marketing Program?

Solutions for your business that make sense.
Solutions for your business that make sense.

As more businesses work to tighten where they are spending their advertising budgets, some are dropping social media out of their marketing mix.

Advertising your website and services using Pay per Click is great, as it generates immediate traffic and increases the potential of sales, but social media also should have a place in every business’ marketing plan.

Not all businesses will need Twitter or Google+ status updates, but most businesses should be posting to Facebook and working to engage prospects in that arena.

For many clients, Facebook is the strongest and most important social media platform. Add Facebook pay per click advertising to the mix and your Facebook activity and comments on ads can really skyrocket. It is not unusual for a client who is really working Facebook to have over 5,000+ active users.

I have personally found that for some businesses, Facebook user’s will post comments on their ads which will need moderation to protect your reputation and to shape your message. Even though I never drive traffic to a Facebook page with their pay per click advertising, we always will get adjunct likes and follows just by the nature of advertising there.

I have one client who is getting great leads from Facebook at a third or even less, than the lead cost they spend at AdWords. Tie in Facebook remarketing and I have seen leads at under $5 a conversion.

But, it all starts with great Facebook status updates, integration with your website and blog, and at least 200 followers to make sense.


Our New Social Media Bundles

Be on target to assure you make the right impression with your social media.
Be on target to assure you make the right impression with your social media.

Social media bundles are now available at a special price on our website. Due to popular demand and customer requests, we now have options for your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ writing needs.

This service is best for clients who want to start connecting online and soft-selling their products using Facebook, Twitter and Google+ our bundled services provide the best cost value.

We bundle our programs for a flat monthly rate instead of billing by monthly service dates and even provide 2 free event or holiday postings a month in addition to your regularly scheduled content.

Priced at $575 to $875 a month, now you can cover all your networks with professionally written and managed content.

Find out more by visiting our social media bundle page today.

Why Is Social Media Writing So Expensive?

Why is Social Media So Expensive?
Why is Social Media Writing So Expensive?

Why is social media writing so expensive? First, ask yourself why you don’t want to do the writing yourself? Although you may be able to churn out a tweet or Facebook post for your own business in nothing flat, when you are hired to provide  professional-level writing for paying customers, everything is different.

For us, we still have to touch, even a small 140 character tweet, 8 times as part of our quality control and writing process. That makes Twitter writing relatively expensive for most customers, but perfect for the busy professional or business who really needs great content and excellent quality control.

For longer status updates like those we write for LinkedIn, Google+, and Facebook, the costs are practical as there is a longer word count.

It is hard to always have something great to say and a cohesive strategy when you do social media writing yourself. Plus, it is simply a fact that when you get busy, social media is the very first thing to be dropped by most busy professionals. Yet, social media is one of a businesses most visible outreaches to prospects and a way to share links and build traffic to website content.

Don’t drop social media, instead consider hiring a professional team to take over. If you are looking for a quality provider for your social media projects, I invite you to visit our information pages.