Does Dependence on Technology Making Us Brainless and Unintelligent? Part Two

Continued from Wednesday…

  • “Excuse me; I’m having a senior moment.” Make that a millennial moment. Millennials are more likely to forget what day it is or where their keys are than seniors, and tech is a main culprit.
  • “Huh?” Hypertext links, ads, photos, and videos make information gleaned on tech far more difficult to absorb than from books. Poor concentration? Opt for paper – not plastic.
  • “Are you dressed for a Walking Dead convention, or do you need some sleep?” Tech messes up your sleep cycle courtesy of blue-enriched screen illuminations which suppress melatonin, a key hormone in regulating your internal clock. Lack of sleep then further rots your brain – as above.
  • “My inner compass is broken.” Relying on GPS reduces special memory, taking a toll on the hippocampus that can cause memory problems later in life.
  • “Hello, I’m (YOUR NAME), and I’m a tech-aholic.” Tech addiction causes changes in the brain that mimics drug and alcohol dependence – abnormal brain development that cripples regions involved in attention, decision-making, and emotion.

Do you fear that technology may be making you unintelligent? Embrace your inner Einstein and use tech wisely with help of McCord Web Services!

Does Dependence on Technology Making Us Brainless and Unintelligent? Part One

Look a Squirrel!
Look a Squirrel!

Mobile devices, social media, and streaming are all the rage. But what effect does all that tech really have on your brain?

This is Your Brain on Tech:

  • “Look! A squirrel!” Tech is a distraction. Take yourself for example… You’re on tech – probably logged on to check the weather – then noticed you had some new emails… Which reminded you of your Facebook friend whose car was stolen… And now you’re reading GPS trivia about how tech melts your brain. Think you’re multi-tasking? Nope. You’re just doing all 10 activities poorly.
  • “Has anyone seen my post-its?” Tech butts into what you’re doing, diverting working memory before it is transferred into long-term memory and stored. It also overloads your working memory, causing you to lose some of the “old stuff” as your continued Googling dumps yet more information into your brain.

“I’m not lazy; I’d just prefer to Google it.” People used to retain vast amounts of knowledge, which they could pull-up and recite on demand. Today’s tech, however, has limited this drive, which is instead outsourced to tech to handle.

Come back and visit us on Wednesday for the rest of this article.


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