If you are a trademark owner, understand that Google Ads wants to help you control who can show ads that contain your trademark.
Google Ads has a form that you complete as the trademark owner. Using this form, you will need to prove to Google that you are the registered trademark owner. You will also be able to list by name and Google Ads ID those businesses that may use your trademark in their Google Ads advertising.
Once your trademark has been registered by Google Ads, if a business owner tries to use your trademark in their ads, the ad will be disapproved. Please understand that in the US advertisers can still use your trademark in their keyword list but will cross the line when they use dynamic keyword insertion as a way to try to fool Google into showing the registered trademark in an ad. However, using this approach an advertiser may skate under the radar for a while.
You can easily report any offenders to Google using the links found in the Google Help Center to get ads pulled sooner rather than later.
If you are advertising in the European Union, the rules are different. There your trademark term may not even be used in the keyword list.
If you need proactive and savvy help with your Google Ads program, please visit our website to learn more about how we can help.